Holy Fuck

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Katherine walked into the room in a gold dress. Her hair is curly and she has a full face of makeup on. I finished putting on my tie before turning around to her.

"You look gorgeous, baby." I told her. I kissed her cheek. "Maybe later we can have some fun."

She smiled slowly. "Let's just get to the party downstairs, hmm?"

"Okay." I kissed her cheek.

She's been off this past week. She doesn't want to have sex. In the morning, she stays in bed and just stares at the ceiling. She won't tell me what's going on. She will in time. When she's ready. I'm not going to make her y'all if she doesn't want to. I hope she's not thinking about a divorce. I can't lose her.

We walked downstairs. The team is waiting in the living room with champagne in their hands. Her mother kissed my cheek and pulled Katherine to the side. They whispered to each other.

I don't know why Katherine is hosting this get together. I assume it's because Kaleb just got home yesterday. She looked nervous. Kaleb wasted no time in grabbing a drink. Her mother kissed her cheek and Katherine walked over to us. Nobody walked in then with two bottles of champagne. Katherine walked over to him and said something to him and hugged him. He hugged her back.

"Nobody, packing in his own way." Kaleb got excited.

"These are for you, son. You earned it." Nobody handed Kaleb the bottles.

"Both will be gone by tonight. I stopped taking the pain meds for my leg so I might need a pain reliever." Kaleb winked.

Nobody laughed and hugged Kaleb. "I'm happy you're alive."

"All thanks to that delusion and demented bitch." Kaleb pointed to Kat.

"To Katherine!" Nobody grabbed a glass of champagne.

Kaleb tried to hand her a bottle.

"TO KATHERINE!" Everyone screamed including me.

Katherine turned down the offer with a quiet shake of the head. She also has stopped drinking. Something is really bothering her.

"What's the matter, love?" Kaleb frowned.

"I've just been..." Katherine looked at her mother. Her mom nodded slowly. "Down."

"Ah." Kaleb grinned.

"All right, everyone sit down." Katherine told them.

"What?" Kaleb gasped. "I was just about to start drinking."

"Sit the fuck down right now or so help me God." She began.

"All right." Kaleb took a long time to sit on the sofa. Everyone else sat. Katherine stand in front of us.

"So I have to tell you all something." She began.

"You are dying, aren't you?" Kaleb interrupted.

Katherine went to the loveseat that was unoccupied and lifted the cushion, grabbing the gun hidden. I didn't even know she had that there. She loaded it and cocked it. She placed it on the table in front of us.

"I'm going to leave this here and use it for the next person that interrupts me, okay?" She smiled and straightened up.

"I'm sorry." Kaleb sighed.

"So, before I tell you this...I don't want you guys to look at me differently. I'm still your fun and exotic Katherine Howard. I'm no different. I don't even know if I'm going to go through with this. I just need to tell you guys." Katherine was nervous as hell. She began to cry. "So the reason why I've been acting strange lately, Brian I'm sure you've noticed, is because I am in fact pregnant."

My heart stopped. Everyone paused. No one even dared to breathe loud.

"I went to the doctor and I am in my second trimester. I, uhm, don't want you to think I'm trying to trap Brian. I didn't even know I could get pregnant. Given that me and Brian never use condoms and I'm not on any control and he's definitely shot plenty of field goals in my treasure chest...I just thought the timing wasn't right. But obviously, I was wrong. Look, I don't want to be booted from the team and I don't want to get booted from the company. And I don't want Brian to wake up and hate his life with his verbally abusive wife and screaming kid so maybe this baby isn't what's going to be best..."

I stood and walked over to her, my heart bursting into flames. She paused and looked at me, confused. I stopped in front of her.

"What?" I whispered. "We're having a baby?"

"Well, I mean-" She began.

"IM HAVING A BABY!" I shouted.

Everyone clapped and whistled. I hugged and kissed her passionately. I'm having a fucking kid. I always thought that the day Katherine told me she was pregnant, I'd piss my pants. But I am stoked. I never felt this before. The thought of having a mini Katherine or a mini me running around made me leap with joy. She's never looked more beautiful, actually.

"Katherine, you're family now. You'd never be booted off the team." Dom told her, giving her a hug.

Letty walked over, too. "I'm waiting for the day you have back pains so I can kick your ass."

"Baby, if I were sixty with arthritis I can still do you more harm than you to I." Katherine laughed.

"As for Nobody Inc." Nobody spoke up. "I think that if I ever do boot you, you will kill everyone in there so honey, you are still apart of the company. We'd have to get you a stay at the office kind of job. Maybe give the team directions or something in battle."

Katherine nodded.

"I'm going to be an uncle." Kaleb gasped. "Holy fuck!"

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