Phone Call

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"Brooke! Get down from that couch this instant!" I ordered as I cut the sandwiches for all three of them.

"NASTICS!" She declared.

"You're at home. You're not at the gym. Get down."

Brian came in from outside, in a bathing suit with glistening abs. He grabbed Brooke quickly and spun her around. She giggled.

"No nastics at home." Brian informed her and kissed her forehead. He set her down and came over to me. Sure enough Brooke got back on the couch. He sat on the stool. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes.

"What's with the attitude?"

"Everyone keeps asking me every five seconds if I'm okay. I'm fucking fine."

"We just want to make sure you're good, babe."

Ruby came over to Brian and climbed on him. He held her in his arms and she rested her head on his shoulders. I think she's getting sick.

"If I wasn't, I would say something." I cracked my knuckles.

"That's a fucking lie." Brian laughed. "And you know it."

"Okay. It's a lie." I shrugged. "I don't have the energy."

"Hey so, you're about to hit seven months. That little boy is in there, brewing around and comfortable."

"He's on my left side right now." I informed Brian.


I nodded and grabbed his arm, pulling him across the counter. I pressed his finger tips on my left side, pressing slightly so he could feel the firm ball. He laughed.

"He is."

I released his hand. "I'm feeling a little movement sometimes. Mostly when I'm in the shower. He'll move but he likes the left."

"Katherine, we're having a boy."

"I don't know. You kind of scrape my nerves severely with every breath you take so a little you running's going to fuck me up."

He laughed and his eyes sparkled. "There's my girl."

Alina came in just then. She had groceries.

"Hey, how was your date? Never told me."

"It was great. Seeing him again soon." She smiled and placed the groceries down. "How's my boy."

"He's okay."

Just then I got an important phone call. It was from the council. I was confused.

"Nobody." I answered, putting it on speaker.

"Mrs. Nobody. Lovely to hear your voice. I'm going to need you to come into the office as soon as possible. We have some things to discuss."

"Don't really like your tone, sir."

"Make it here as soon as possible."

He sounded snappy. Council member Kenneth Cross was not one I enjoyed speaking with. This will be fun.

"We'll come." Brian was already texting the team.

"Hey. Put that phone down. I'm going for a meeting. Not a damn life sentence. I'm fine. You can drive me. Let's go."

I set up the kids trays and called them to the table for lunch. Turkey and cheese cut up, goldfish, mango and a juice box.

"Alina, I'll be back in no time. Just look out for Quinn because lately, wires has been her new obsession and I cannot have my child die from electricity."

"Will do."

Brian went upstairs to change and came rushing downstairs. He grabbed his car keys and we left.

- to be continued.

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