No More America

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I opened my eyes slowly, in a hospital room. The light was bright, the sounds of machines were loud. I wanted water. The first person I looked for was Katherine and I found her next to me, staring at my heart monitor.

"Hey." I managed out.

I heard shuffling. Katherine placed a straw in my mouth and I sipped hurriedly, feeling it unhinge my throat. I sat back.

"Fractured skull, two broken ribs, internal bleeding and even a ruptured spleen but you're okay." Katherine pushed her hair back. Her eyes were puffy. "Also, got some stitches in your head."

My eyes shifted over to the other side of the room where the team was.

"Give us a second?" I asked.

They said nothing and moved out of the room. I turned to Katherine again.

"I'm sorry." I said to her.

"For what?" She frowned.

"You're always hurting. I'm sorry."

She took my hand in hers. "You're in a hospital bed and you're worried about me."

I looked at her.

"Our son has been angry all day. Won't stop kicking me."

I smiled softly, I had a massive headache.

"I'm sorry my mom did this. Im sorry I didn't find you sooner." She sighed.

"I'm a Howard survivor." I tried to cheer her up.

It didn't work.

"I'll be okay." I kissed her hand. "You just focus on carrying our child. You know, you need to go on bed rest soon, right?"

"No I don't."

"Baby, we're in the later months. It's time to stop and lay down."

"He's fine. He's strong." Katherine seemed guilty. "I almost killed my mom."

"You what?"

"Yeah. Held a piece of glass to her neck, threatened her...I was back, Brian. Katherine Howard was back. And I can't tell you how much it disgusted me."

"Well, she's your mom." I sighed. "You got to still love her. You saved her."

"Of course I love my mother, Brian." Katherine sat back. "Perhaps I hold some resentment. I got this life and missed out on a lot in the process. Perhaps it's time that I put my family over my profession. And she attacked you. Someone she knows I adore and that is fucking with me because you didn't deserve it."

"Well, I did get snappy."

"You always get snappy." She waved her hand. It dropped to her stomach where she rubbed softly. She was quiet. "I don't want to stay in America, either."

I raised my eyebrows.

"I've lost too much here." She grabbed my hand. "If I am truly going to get my out...I got to leave."

"Where do you want to go?" My rib started hurting.

"Bora Bora. It's a peaceful place. A beach house, with the ocean as our backyard. We can get a house, a beautiful house that our children will grow up in. When the girl gets older, they'll need their own rooms. Our boy will have a manly room. And when they want, we'll open up the back door and let our children run out on the sand and live freely. That is what I want. What do you want?"

"I just want to wake up to my wife every morning and fall asleep in her arms every night and be happy."

"So bora bora it is?"

"Bora bora it is." I nodded.

She gave me a small smile and leaned forward to plant a kiss on my lips. "Who knows? Maybe a dog, too."

I laughed and pushed her hair back, kissing her again.

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