Howard Conversations

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At home, mum and Kaleb are lying in her bed, talking. Kaleb's eyes are puffy which means he just got finished crying. Such a pussy, my brother. I jump into bed next to Mum.

"I was just telling your brother the first time I figured out I was pregnant." Mum filled me in. "Your father and I had just finished watching Bonnie and Clyde and I felt awfully sick. And that was happening to me for a while. So I took a test and bam...I am pregnant. When I figured out I was having twins, I almost fainted. Your father and I were bozos. We didn't know anything about having a baby let alone two."

"Mum, let's keep it real for a second...who was the better twin?" Kaleb asked.

"You both were completely opposite. That's a hard one. Katherine had a lot more attitude than you. Only your father could put her to sleep and feed her. Kaleb you were more of a mother's boy. Everything you did had to include me. And you were more sneakier. If Katherine hit you, you would wait until we left the room to attack her and then act as if nothing happened. And vice versa, Katherine would topple you right then and there."

"Who was smarter?" I piped up.

"Like I said, totally different. Kaleb was the first to hold a spoon, Katherine was the first to walk. Kaleb was the first to talk. First words were mama. My sweet boy." Mum smiled at him. "Your father and I bet that you would talk first, Katherine. He lost. I miss that man. He was my soulmate."

"How did you know he was the one?" I asked.

"When we went to a bar to watch a football game and he ordered my favorite drink. A strawberry margarita with a extra twist."

"What does love feel like? And how fast did you feel it?" Kaleb scratched his arm.

"Well that was the sixth date. It was true love. And love is's like being hit by a truck. You get this weird tingly feeling in the pit of your stomach when you look in each other's eyes. You are constantly thinking of the person and when you do, you can't help but smile. Love is the most amazing thing ever." Mother explained.

I couldn't help but think of Brian. Will we have a love that strong that lasts twenty five years? When one of us dies, will it still be strong? I want to be the perfect fit with him. I want to grow with him. I want to be madly in love with the kid. I zone out from the conversation and began thinking of a future with him. What our child would look like? What kind of house we would have? How extreme our wedding will be? I felt that tingly feeling again.

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