Get Over It

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A few months go by and let me tell you, I've never been happier. I wake up to Katherine maybe five times a week. She has some clothes here and her makeup is lined up on my bathroom sink. Her being here is great. She's really funny and smart and I've never seen this side of her. The sweet side. We've been having little petty arguments and the makeup sex...oh my God. She's everything I've ever wanted in a woman.

"Wait, so you fell out of a six foot tree?" I asked, stunned.

We were at my table, eating pizza. She was drinking a glass of wine and I was drinking a beer. She was in sweats and a T-shirt. Her face was free of makeup. She was gorgeous.

"I did. I swear to you I thought I was dead, Brian. And then my father was there. I sprained my ankle." Katherine laughed.

"Tell me more." I begged.

"Like what?"

"Your favorite memory with Kaleb." I suggested.

"We had snuck out of the house one night for a party and missed our curfew. Our dick parents locked all doors and windows and believe me there was alot, it's a fucking mansion. Anyway, we are standing on the ground, working out a plan and the sprinklers come on. Me and Kaleb are hammered and we started dancing around in the water. It was so funny. Joke was on them." Katherine laughed again.

"You and Kaleb were close?"

"We were the best of friends growing up. If there was Kaleb, there was me. But when we came to Nobody Inc...I don't know. It's been a competition, really. Who's better? Who's faster? Our relationship fell and it sucks. But lately, with Mother back, we've been rebuilding that relationship."

"Remember when he called you fat and you flipped out?"

"I wanted to kill that bitch." Katherine smiled. "But after that, I went upstairs and worked out."

I laughed.

"What's your favorite memory with your Dad?" I am beyond interested in her life.

"When I was sixteen, he gave me this charm bracelet as a reward for my hard work. He told me I matured from his little Bumblebee and am now a Wasp. Kaleb got angry with that and broke it. I still have the bracelet and the charms in my jewelry box but I keep forgetting to get it fixed." Katherine rolled her eyes.

I nodded. I will fix it for her.

"Kaleb has always been my biggest competition. He may be cute and cuddly and whines a lot. But my brother is lethal and unstoppable when shit goes down."

"You two need to work together and stop competing against each other. Your family."

"Family means a lot to you, doesn't it?" Katherine eyed me.

"Well, yeah. Before the team, I was alone. I had no one to lean on. Call me a sucker but they are my family. And we viewed you as such and you left, we were all hurt."

"Why do you constantly have to remind me of what I did?" Katherine gets angry.

"Whoa, sweetie, I'm just-"

"Well, don't. I know I fucking hurt the lot of you but I'm here now, get over it." Katherine growled.

"Can't get over something that hurts you like that." I whisper.

"Yeah you can. It's called accepting it and moving on."

"Like you did." I shot back.

Katherine is steaming now. "Fuck you, Brian."

"I'm not trying to argue with you, Katherine. I'm just trying to show you our point of view."

"I don't care! Shut up about it. I am here now, what more do you want? I fucking apologized for God's sake. Stop being a cry baby."

"I'm being a cry baby, Katherine?" I'm angry now. Only she knows how to push my buttons. "You left!"

She threw her glass of wine in my face. She stood abruptly. "Piss off."

She stormed out of my house, boiling in rage.

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