Forget Me

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I lifted Katherine up, despite her protesting. I was really starting to get furious. I've seen Katherine drunk before but she went way over her limit tonight. She's a mom and a wife and a boss. And she's acting like a kid. Katherine finally squirmed out of my grasp and whirled around to me.

"I'm not happy anymore, Brian!" She said to me.

I sighed.

"Maybe it's my depression because of the miscarriage or something, I don't know. I'm not fine. I'm not okay! Can't you see that."

"We'll talk about it when you're sober." I told her.

"I hate this." She looked at me. "I hate my uterus, I hate my life!"

Katherine began to sob. I was not in the mood for this bullshit.

"I need you to be my husband, again." Katherine came closer to me. "I need you to make me feel good."

I rolled my eyes, picked her up and opened the door. We walked in, Katherine sobbing into my chest. I brought her up stairs and prepared her for bed. She passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow.


I woke up the next morning and Katherine was gone. House completely empty. Last night was crazy. Pissed me off a bit, the way she was acting. Either way, I showered and dressed and headed to the base. I got there and Tej was giving the newbies computer lessons. I looked up into Katherine's office and saw her, Alina, Kaleb, Lucas and the girls were playing on the rug. Katherine and Lucas were laughing about God knows what. My blood slowly began to boil.

"What's with you?" Dom asked quietly.

"Katherine and her new boyfriend seem to be getting along just fine but she's neglecting me...her husband."

"Brian, you shut her out. You both are failing right now. Talk to her." Dom told me.

"I have nothing more to say." I replied.

"You have too much to say."

Tej gave them an hour lesson on the basics of technology. We all decided to take a break and we ordered food. Chinese isn't my favorite thing to eat because it's so unhealthy but I didn't complain. Lucas came in with Kaleb.

"No one told us you guys were ordering." Lucas frowned.

"You guys were too busy laughing." I replied.

Lucas looked at me and gave me a slick grin. "You could've joined us. But I'm pretty sure you would've sucked the fun out of the room."

I jumped over the table and grabbed him. "Listen to me. Katherine is my wife! She loves me and I love her. So whatever moves you're trying to pull on her...back the fuck off because I will kill you."

"Afraid of a little competition?" Lucas asked. "You've been so distraught over a miscarriage, being selfish when you could've been having fun with your wife. Well, as long as I'm around, Katherine will keep smiling and laughing while you sit back and watch."

"You try anything with her..."

"You're going to kill me? I'm shaking in fear."

My grip tightened on him. Katherine came in.

"What the hell is going on?" Katherine asked.

I stared Lucas in the eyes.

"A little friendly chat, that's all." Lucas told her.

"Brian, let him go. Please." Katherine told me.

She grabbed my wrist and I pulled away from her.

"Don't touch me." I whispered, walking out of the break room. Katherine followed me.

"What the hell is your problem, Brian?!" She called after me.

"New guy comes in and you forget all about me, huh?" I continued to walk.

"You're acting like a fucking pansy!" She shouted.

I ignored her and stormed out of Nobody Inc.

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