New Information

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I am on phone with Nobody as I comb through my hair. He's telling me how good I am and how he just deposited bills into my account. I tell him the money is unnecessary. I did it for my team and my brother. He won't take it out. Brian comes in. I smiled at him.

"Thank you Nobody." I finally said. "I got to go. You talk way too much."

I hang up before he can continue to babble on. I turn to Brian.

"Hey, you." I smiled.

He kissed me for a minute. "Hey."

I felt tingly inside. It's been a while since a man has made me feel that way. I went back to my task.

"Nobody seems happy that I was the big hero." I shake my head. "It's not that big of a deal, actually. Anyone of would've done the same exact thing."

"Yeah but your the one we least expected it from." Brian pointed out.

I threw a bottle of hand lotion at him. He caught it.

"I'm just saying..." He placed the bottle on my bed.

"Well, don't." I suggested. He kissed my forehead. "Where's the rest of the bloody bastards."

"Having dinner." Brian answered. "Kind of what I came up here for."

"I'll be down in five."

Brian nodded and went downstairs. I finished up my hair and looked in the mirror.

"Don't ruin this." I whispered to myself.

I get up and go downstairs. The team are talking amongst themselves. I sit down at my usual spot and it gets quiet.

"Don't let me ruin it." I stated.

"Thank you, Kat. For saving us." Dom stated.

"If I hear one more thank you...." I began.

My eyes caught Kaleb's. I nodded at him. He knew I forgave him. By the nod back, I could tell he forgave me as well for saying what I said.

"Did you speak to Nobody?" Kaleb asked me.

I groaned. "He kept telling me how proud he was of me and how amazing I am. I wanted to punch him in the temple."

"You and me both." Kaleb whispered.

I winked at him.

"Let's go out after dinner." Letty suggested.

Everyone agreed with her.

"I'm going to stay back." I piped up. "I might get drunk."

"You sure?" Kaleb asked.

"Think I want to be seen in public with you bozos?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You got my vote to stay home." Rome rolled his eyes.

My cell phone rang. It was an unknown number. I answered.

"Are you alone?" A British voice asked me.

"No. Who is this?"

The table got quiet. All heads turned to me.

"Let's say I'm a friend, greet me as such and go somewhere private."

"Oh hi!" I acted happy. I sprang up from the seat and ran outside, closing the door behind me. I walk a few feet from the house.

"Who is this?" I growled.

"My name is Chase Michaels." He said. "I'm apart of the British Base. The organization you were born to be apart of until those Americans snatched you."

"What do you want?"

"Let's just say I have information of your Mother... information that you yourself will want to see." He filled me in.

My heart skipped a beat. "She's dead."

"This information will make you think otherwise." He sighed. "Her heart just stopped with no explanation...closed casket."

"Are you telling me she's been alive for two years and hasn't reached out?" I am hurt.

"Come to my base and we will discuss it." He said. "Alone."

"You want me to just leave my team?"

"They were assigned to protect you so I read. They're not your team. They are your make believe guardians. You are going to pass up the opportunity to save your mother for a bunch of knicker washers?" He hissed. "Make the right choice."

He hung up the phone. I stay frozen until the buzzing noise comes from the other end.


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- Chicken Soup

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