The End of Batherine

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I watch as Katherine gears up for battle. She's red in the face, eyes burning with hatred. She places a small gun in her shoe.

"Kat, she said no weapons." I sighed.

"You think I'm going to fight for my life and not bring a weapon?" She hissed.

"We'll stand by, ready to shoot if we have to."

"You lot are not coming." Katherine jerked her head back.

"The hell we're not." Kaleb piped up.

"I can do this alone. I don't need any of you." She snapped.

"Really? Your going to get yourself killed, Katherine."

"I WILL BE FINE!" She roared at me.

"Don't you dare fucking take your anger out on me!" I stood, pointing at her.

"I am not joking around right now, Brian. Cool the fuck out or I will hurt you."

"Your going to hurt me? Really? You've done it plenty of times before. What's different?"


"Let's see, you abandoned me, you drugged me and lied to me, you treated me as if I didn't matter!"

"Oh boo hoo shut the fuck up! Grow a pair of balls, you pussy!"

"Katherine, I'm warning you." I growled.

"What? You're going to hit me? Curse me out? Give me your best shot, Brian. I will kick your ass up and down this office."

"Both of you, cut it out!" Nobody snapped.

"Fuck that! Our girls are some place without us! Their parents! It's our job to protect them!"

"It's not our fault, Brian!" She yelled back.

"ITS YOUR FAULT KATHERINE!" I boomed. Everyone paused. Katherine narrowed her eyes. "This person, wants you! It's you that is the killer! You bring people pain, Katherine. It's your fault our girls are in danger. I was a fool to think we could live a happy life together! When this is all over, I want my girls and I don't want you."

Katherine had tears in her eyes. She bit her lip and smiled.

"It's my fault? Really? You don't think I know that? You don't think I'm suffering right now, Brian?" Her voice was dangerously low. "Maybe you were a fool for ever falling for me. I know how to hate. With a burning passion. And I know how to love. But you, you taught me how to live. So, you know what. You want the girls, take them. You want the cars, the money, the peaceful life, take it. But do know Brian O'Connor, I will hate you until the day I die." She slipped off her wedding rings and placed them in my hand.

She walked away. Kaleb hit my shoulder and ran after his sister. Dom came up behind me.

"Did you mean that?" He asked me.

"Every fucking word." I hissed.


Oh SHIT! Brian about to go to the dark side! Or is he? Is Dom gonna leave Letty? Is Kaleb gonna stop drinking? Is Jughead dead? I DONT FUCKING KNOW!

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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