Us vs Them

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"I can't even look at her, Dom." I told the team, standing outside of Katherine's office.

She was standing up, looking outside of the window that overlooked the city. She was in heels and a dress and her hair was done perfectly. No remorse for her actions. The newbies all walked up.

"No training today?" Thanos asked. His face was still messed up.

"You don't need anymore training for a while." Rome snickered.

"And why weren't you picked to do any training?" Thanos shot back.

"Because I'm the best on the team. Duh." Rome said.

"Take the day to study the packets." Kaleb told them.

They all nodded and walked away. Maggie lingered.

"Is she okay?" Maggie asked.

"She's fine." Kaleb said.

"Doesn't seem fine."

"Listen, Maggie is it?" Kaleb turned to her. "This is none of your damn business. My sister is not your mom, she's your mentor. No need to check up on her as if she's your mother. So get the hell out of here."

Maggie glared at him. "Should I call Thanos?"

She shook her head and walked away. Alina entered.

"Where's my girls?" She asked.

"Letty is home with them." Dom replied.

"Why are you all standing around? You guys ganged up on her last night."

"She deserves it." I snapped.

"You are so dumb. She wanted to avoid you being broken. Last night, she sobbed for hours. You don't deserve her. She does a lot for you."

I looked in the office. Katherine was now on her cell phone, typing. She paused, reading a message.

"She's just as broken as you, Brian. She just hides her emotions well." Alina walked in. Katherine put down her phone and hugged Alina.

"We need to hear her out, Brian." Dom said.

I nodded. We all walked in slowly. Katherine's eyes landed on me and she dropped her gaze to the floor.

"I set up a doctors appointment for you." Alina told Katherine quietly.

Kaleb walked over to his sister. "I don't care what anyone says. I support you, love."

Katherine smiled softly.

"Katherine." Dom said.



"I don't want to have a meeting. I don't want to talk. I want to go train those newbies."

"You aren't leaving until you talk." I finally said.

"Fine. You want me to talk? I'll talk. I had a fucking miscarriage. It was my fault. All the stress, all the running around, the crazy amounts of coffee a day. It was my fault. And I wanted to avoid you, Brian, from being crushed. So I hid it. I hid it well because I don't want to see that depressed look on your face! So I'm sorry that I'm such a bad wife for trying to protect you. But I was trying to protect you."

"Katherine, we're married. We have three kids-"

"And then you totally ditch me, take my daughters. Nine months on bed rest, nine months of discomfort! And you just take my daughters? I want to see my girls."

"No." I shake my head.

"No?" Her eyes narrowed.

"We need to figure things out between us. The girls don't need to be around your negativity. They are staying with Dom and Letty for the time being."

Katherine looked at Kaleb and Alina as if she misheard what I was saying.

Katherine lunged at me, Kaleb and Alina behind her. Tej grabbed Katherine and and Alina hit him in the face, blocking him from Kat. Rome grabbed me, because Katherine was speeding towards me. Katherine got ahold of me, Kaleb and Rome going at it. I blocked her hits because I didn't want to hurt her but she didn't care. Her hands were a blur but I focused on keeping my face...well, my face. I can tell Katherine was holding back as much as she could but her rage was stopping her from being rational.

Just then, a fist came out of no where and hit Katherine in the face. Katherine fell to the ground, unconscious. Everyone stopped and turned. Mrs. Howard stood there with a glass of Whiskey. I crouched beside Katherine and checked for a pulse. She was knocked out by her mother.

"I still got it." Mrs. Howard smiled.

"Mother!" Kaleb shouted. He was being restrained by Dom.

"Get off of my son. Please and thank you." Mrs. Howard said to Dom.

Dom did so and Kaleb and Alina came over to Katherine and picked her up. Katherine was limp in their arms. They placed her in her chair and rested her head on the table.

"All of you. Get your act together. We have a case." Nobody walked in then.


Hey Soups. So Robyn squeezed my finger again today and I damn near cried. Her and Cynthia are doing great so I'm at the house by myself because I missed Carmel Chipotle Stiles Jackson III (our bunny).

And Nate (the really cute nurse) took my number the other day and the first thing he sent me was a MEME!!! It was awesome. Let me just say, I live for memes. And I expressed that to him and I guess that was his way of breaking the ice. Idk, maybe I am still a kid but idc because I am who I am 🤷🏼‍♀️

I might publish a few more chapters today Soups 😍

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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