Leaving the U.S

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Katherine's mom had called me last night around twelve at night. I answered and she only said one thing. Meet me at Nobody's house. I didn't object. I didn't question. Her mom wouldn't call unless it was important. So I made sure Katherine was nice and sleep and I had Alina cuddle with her so she doesn't wake up from the lonely feeling and I sped over there. I haven't been to Nobody house in a while and being there only made me sad.

In truth, I feel like I have no right to mourn him. I feel like this is Katherine's moment. It's her minute to not be okay. It's not my place to be saddened. But being there made me feel really bad about his final moments, his finale grip on life. I walked in and felt cold. Her mother was sitting in a recliner, sipping Whiskey with her legs crossed and gloves on. I sat down on the couch and felt uncomfortable.

"It seems that I have been called for." She began.

For a second, I thought she was talking about ghosts.

"London. London needs a solid leader for the base. I've been called in."

I just looked at her.

"Katherine was of course their first choice but considering her current state of mental strength and the growing joy in her uterus, she will not be that."

"So you're going to the British base to run the organization? To London? Where you were held captive for years?"

"There's nothing left for me in America."

"Uhm. Your children. One who's pregnant, one who's in rehab. That's something to stick around for."

"My children are adults. They are skilled and gifted. They don't need their Mother's hand to guide them any longer. And I believe leaving America would be the best thing for me in this current time."

I listened to her carefully.

"I lost my solid. And if you've ever lost someone that close to you. You'd be broken. But because you're the Howard that is the glue, your not allowed to crack or crumble and that's bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit!"

"Mrs. Howard...you were held captive in London. And you're just going to go back for what? Because you lost someone? We all lose someone. We all break. But we always pull ourselves together. Always. You are running. I never took you to be a runner."

"A runner? No. I call it saying fuck off. I cant stand it any longer. I deserve a break."

"No you don't!" I shouted, standing. "In all reality, you don't. Your children have gone through hell and back and you're hardly ever there for them. Let's be real, you got them into this life. And because of you, they'll never truly be happy with their lives. So why should you get the chance to run. Why?!"


"You don't abandon your kids! Especially after everything they've faced because of you. They have saved lives, families and this world plenty of times before. They saved you! Katherine betrayed us all to pursue you and she wasn't even one hundred percent sure you were still alive. She was running off of rumors! And you want to go back to the place where you were saved from?! You lost Nobody! WE ALL LOST NOBODY! Get the fuck over it and be a fucking Howard!"

She jumped up and smashed her glass against my head, knocking me to the ground. My eyes saw a blur, could barely make anything out. My head spun in circles. I touched my head and felt blood.

"My children are indeed spectacular." She dropped the small shard left from the impact. "But they are also broken, damaged, pains in the asses! And I can no longer pick up their pieces!"

She delivered a solid kick to my side, pain erupting from my rib cage. I grunted.

"My husband, my best friend! EVERYONE DIES! And I am expected to stick around and watch my children die or vice versa! You bloody wanker!"

She punched me square in the nose, I couldn't breathe for a second. Mrs. Howard snapped.

Blow after blow, kick after kick....I was in a world of pain. I spit out blood that was pooling in my mouth. I managed to make out her figure and kept my eyes trained on her.

"You're selfish! You don't even know your children. And if you leave to London, you will never see your grandchildren ever again!"

"Once I leave America, I won't see any of you ever again."

She grabbed the bottle of liquor and took a swing before hitting me in the head with it. My mind shut down, my body went limp and I went under.

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