She Is Human Believe It or Not

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I wake up slowly, my head feeling groggy. Sunlight was beaming in the room. What the fuck? I stand and close the blinds.

"Morning." Brian whispered to me.

I turned around. The whole team was there. The events of yesterday came flooding back to me. My knuckles throbbed slightly. Then it came to me. Letty.

"I got you some coffee." Brian spoke too quickly.

I lung at Letty, knocking her to the floor. I hit her once but she chucked me off of her. We stand. Brain grabbed me.

"Stay out of this!" I hissed at him.

"It's okay, Brian. I can handle her. After all, she's going soft isn't she?" Letty growled.

I smacked my face against hers, blood pouring out of her nose. She stumbled back a few steps.

"I am not soft." I kneed her in the face. "I am much faster."

I kicked her in the stomach and she fell on the floor again.

"That's enough Katherine." Dom said.

"It's okay." Letty told him. She took a second to gather herself. She stood and got in a fight stance.

"Much smarter."

I block the punches she throws at me and twist her arm around her back. She hissed in pain.

"And much more bad ass than you."

I take my three fingers and shove them in her side, just under the rib. She buckled, crying in pain.

"You made your point!" Letty stated.

"Obviously I didn't. You all think I'm turning soft because you've seen me cry a few times? You've seen me quench my rage for Brian's sake. No. He's the only one out of all of you bitches I will ever show mercy too. I was letting you all in. But I guess I can't do that because it makes me weak. And if there's one thing Katherine Howard isn't, it's weak." I let go of Letty shoving her into the wall. "Don't you ever touch me again. Or I will remove your kneecaps with a screw driver."

"Katherine, come on." Brian scolded me.

"And you!" I turn to him, pointing a finger. "You drugged me up. Really dude?"

"I was trying to calm you down." Brian defended himself.

"You do that again and you will never touch me again." I threatened.

"It was for your own good."

"My brother is lying in a hospital dead, comatose and you think I was overreacting? Nobody sent him on a mission without even notifying me and your fucking team didn't look out for him! Yet I'm overreacting? Kaleb means the world to me!"

"They looked out for him more then you ever did, Katherine!" Brian is upset now.

"Excuse me?" I am appalled.

"Brian." Dom whispered.

"He told us all about how you abandoned him once you came to America. He told us you were the first person to break his heart. So don't you dare say the team didn't look out for him. When you left us for a fucking year, Katherine, who do you think kept him alive. Us! Any chance you get, you bring him down so don't act like the heroic sister now because he's in a coma. Don't."

I am stunned.

"Fuck you! Marrying you was a waste of my fucking time. You are a waste of my time." I hissed.

Those words seemed to snap Brian out of his hissy fit.

"Me and my brother have had our differences, yes. But I didn't abandon him! I took time to find myself as an individual! No one dared to ask me my side of things. Just make me out to be the villain. Brian, you don't have a sibling! You don't have a twin. Someone you shared a womb with for nine months and then for the rest of your life share ever waking moment with the person. Yes, I give him shit about his performance but do you ever for a second stop and think that maybe, just maybe I am always on his ass so he can better himself? I wish I would've done it as child and he wouldn't be in this fucking situation now! I love my brother like you would never believe. Dom, you have a sister. What would you do if you were in this situation with her?" I asked him. Dom looked down, knowing what I meant. "Kaleb and I are a combo. One doesn't go without the other, you fucking prick. So don't you ever tell me that the love for my brother is bullshit. You've done things to your team. Lie to them about being a fucking cop, broke apart their once happy life..."

"Katherine." Dom spoke up.

"Brian, you never ask me my side of things. You just listen to everyone else's. I'm sorry that you guys need a villain in your sad ass story but I am not it! So leave me alone! Leave us alone! We are better off without you all!"

"You are upset, we get that." Dom spoke to me. "Like you just said, I'd be flipping out too if my little sister was in a hospital bed. But we are your family now, Katherine. We aren't against you."

I stayed quiet, going back to my brother.

"If we're going to get him to wake up....we got to get moving."

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