Drunk Twins

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A few weeks later, Kaleb invites the team to a bar his friend owns. His friend is giving it to us for the night. Neat. Katherine dresses in a figure hugging black dress and heels and does her makeup and hair and then eats and then searches for the right purse. And by the time we are ready, she has to pee and then she eats again and makes me stop at McDonald's to get her some fries. We were supposed to be there by eleven...it's twelve thirty. When we arrive, the team is sitting at the bar, drinking beers, Kaleb bartending. He hands me one immediately. Music is playing in the background.

"This is who I was really waiting for." Kaleb grabbed a bottle of Vodka and jumped over the counter.

"Where's Mother?" Katherine asked as Kaleb opened it.

"She was tired. She can't hang." Kaleb turned to the rest of us. "Our parents used to drink with us but Father wasn't a big drinker. But it's been a while since she had liquor so...I guess she's just old."

I watched as Kaleb pushed Katherine head back and began pouring the liquor in her mouth. I can see her throat moving which means she's drinking it as he pours. I can't even do that. Kaleb doesn't stop until the bottle is less than halfway done. I am in shock. I think I have found the woman of my dreams. Katherine sits on a stool.

"Okay. Brother. Get drunk. I didn't come here to play games." Katherine folded her hands.

We watched as Kaleb began downing the liquor as if it was water. I usually don't drink more than two beers. I'm not a drinker.

"You Brits sure know how to put it down." Roman smiled.

"My mother was drunk when she gave birth to us, legend has it." Kaleb winked. "We didn't chose this lifestyle. It chose us."

Suddenly we hear whimpering. We all look over at Katherine who's crying hysterically. What the hell?

"I mean..." She began to laugh and the next second was crying again. "Being alone sucks."

"Your not alone." I reassured her. "You're just drunk."

Kaleb handed her another bottle and she took a drink.

"I feel like I'm unheard." Katherine wiped her tears.

"Baby, we hear you loud and clear." Letty laughed.

Katherine began laughing too. Hysterically laughing. I mean, she was struggling to breathe. Kaleb, too, was also looking very unstable. He looked as if he needed to sit.

"You both should just take it easy." I told her lightly.

"Okay, Grandpa. Obviously you can't hang neither. We know how to handle our alcohol." She downed some more liquor.

Ten minutes later, they are on the dance floor, doing the craziest moves. Katherine was laughing and smiling the whole while as she danced with her brother. Her smile was like a million dollars.

"Is she making you happy?" Dom asked, beside me.

I turned to him. "Yeah."

"She looks happy."

"Because she's drunk." Roman piped up.

"And when was the last time you've had a girl?" Tej asked.

We all laughed.

"How is it?" Rome looked at me suddenly.

"What's that?" I frowned in confusion.

"You know....it." He winked.

I laughed and turned a little red. "It's great. Best I ever had."

"That number isn't high." Roman chuckled.

I was about to say something back but Katherine and Kaleb both fell on the floor laughing hysterically. The laughter continued for minutes. They leaned into each other for support because they were limp. It was nice seeing them bonding. I've always looked at Kaleb and Katherine's relationship as a must. Like they always had to be together by some unwritten rule. But lately I've noticed they are comfortable with each other and love each other very much.


Katherine is asleep in the car on the ride back home. Dom and Letty took care of Kaleb in providing the transportation. I pick her up and carry her inside of my house. I bought her upstairs and laid her on the bed. I grabbed a wet cloth from the bathroom and proceeded to wipe her face, the makeup coming off easily. She's so gorgeous. I then undress her and put her in a old T-shirt of mine that she likes. I take her shoes off and put her hair in a ponytail, tuck her in and shower and get ready for bed myself. She is out. Completely dead to the world. I climb in next to her and fall asleep beside her.

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