The Truth

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I walked into the house, a long day of overthinking. Maybe Katherine just needed some space and used Maggie as a cover up. Today, my mind went to the darkest places. I wondered if she was cheating, I wondered if she was working a secret job. I wondered if she was planning to murder me. It's Katherine. Who knows? The girls were spending a few days at Dom and Letty's because I wanted to give Katherine some affection attention.

I shifted through the mail. Some magazines, some bills. What caught my eyes was a hospital bill. I frowned. It was in Katherine's name. I opened it and read it. Sonogram fee, room fee...I paused. What did she need a sonogram for? She's pregnant? My heart started to flutter in the best way possible. I'm having another kid? This is great. And then I read more and saw the words: miscarriage in second trimester.

And then everything came crashing down. Hold on. I reread the words for a good five minutes. She...she had a miscarriage? And she didn't tell me? And then it hit me. When she woke up frantic the other night, the way she didn't let me touch her...she lied and said she was going to talk to Maggie but she really went to the hospital because she was having a miscarriage? Did she even know she was pregnant? She had to. It says the fetus died at approximately four months. I had to sit down because I felt like my chest was about to cave in.

I tear the skin off my back to make sure Katherine is happy. I love this woman. I love her like I've never loved anyone. And she lied to me. She hid things from me. Not just something small but a miscarriage. I felt like I couldn't trust her anymore. And that feeling...the feeling of losing trust is the worst feeling to have in a marriage. I ran upstairs and packed a duffel and got in my car and drove off to Dom's.

He came to the door, confused. He looked at my face.


"She had a miscarriage, Dom. And she lied to me about it." I felt myself breaking.

Dom's eyes widened at the sight of me losing my shit. I began to cry like a pussy but I couldn't help it. Dom embraced me in a hug and I sobbed on his shoulder. I couldn't do this anymore.


Did u guys watch the Paul Walker documentary? I started and then bursted into tears while I was spending the day with Cynthia at the hospital. I have to emotionally prepare myself. 😰😔

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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