3rd Howard Attack

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I woke up to Alina snuggled into the crook of my neck with an arm around me. I was confused. I looked at the time. Seven thirty in the morning. What? Alina woke up quickly, feeling me stir.

"Is it the girls?" She groaned.

"No. Where the fuck is Brian?"

"He had to go out last night." She whispered, slipping back into her slumber.

"Bitch get up." I hit her. "What do you mean?"

"Ow! Asshole." She sat up. "He had to go somewhere. I didn't ask questions. I just wanted to cuddle with my dick of a best friend. Shut up and go back to bed before those babies run in here and torture us!"

I hit her again and got up, feeling my little man kicking. I rubbed my right side, where he was going to town.

"Katherine." Alina groaned.

"Shut up." I waved my hand at her and grabbed my phone.

I called him. After ten rings, it went to voicemail. I kept calling with the same results. I called Dom.

"Good morning." He answered.

"Where's Brian?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, where is the location of my husband?" I was getting mad.

"Last time I spoke to him, he was going to bed." Dom informed me.

I hung up because we were getting no where. Alina was staring off in space.

"Alina, get the fuck up." I hissed.

"I'm up." She yawned.

I went on my phone and to the app Find My IPhone. I put in Brian's information. His location popped up. He was at Nobody's house? What the hell? I threw on some sweats and a shirt and hurried downstairs. Alina was still sitting in the same spot, exhausted.

I grabbed my car keys and sped to Nobody house. My heart was jumping out of my chest the entire time. Is he okay? Why would he go to Nobody house? Something is up. I made it there. His car was in the driveway and I reached into my glove department where I always kept a safety gun. Well, in my hands, there is no such thing. Holding it made me feel unbelievably uncomfortable within my self but Brian isn't here just for kicks. He's here because someone made him come here. I stormed in the house, gun raised.

I found him in the living room, glass shattered around him. He was face down, blood all around him and it smelled strongly of liquor. I dropped the gun and walked over to him. I sat down beside him because I felt the baby kicking. He was upset because he was awoken. Sorry, little guy.

I shook Brian, slapping him occasionally. The blood was coming from a gash in his head. Once I realized that, I didn't slap him again. He began to stir once I started calling his name. And get this, I started fucking crying. Good gracious.

"Why are you crying?" Brian groaned, not opening his eyes.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked him, pushing his hair back. His head was badly gashed. He'll need stitches.

"Your mom. Called me over here. She's leaving. Going to work for the British base and beat the hell out of me because I told her about herself."

My head was spinning.

"My mom did this to you?" I was stunned.

"Yes." Brian coughed.

I grabbed my phone and called the team. Telling them to come here immediately.

I grabbed a small blanket from the sofa and tied it around Brian's head. He yelled in pain.

"A few broken ribs on my left side, a broken nose, head wound and probably internal bleeding. My third Howard attack and I survived."

"Shut up." I rolled him over on his back and checked his pulse. It wasn't the strongest but it was there. Brian began to cough and yell.

The team showed up rather quickly and I had to leave Brian's side.

"Where are you going?" Tej asked me.

"Get Brian to the hospital. Make sure he stays alive and I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to see my mom."

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