I forgive You

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Katherine comes home days later. The doctors give me pain meds for her and she's going to need them. But you know Katherine and you know she is stubborn as shit. She refuses to take them. I have to slowly carry her up the stairs because she can't do it herself without tearing her stitches. So she's on bed rest.

"Hey, honey, you want anything to eat?" I asked her one afternoon. She had Brooke and Quinn on the bed, playing with keys. What's with babies and keys?

"No thank you. Alina made me a kelp shake earlier. Filled me up pretty good." She replied.

I came and sat by her on the bed. I've been feeling terribly guilty for the things I said to her a few days ago. I wanted to clear it up.

"Kat, I'm sorry." I began.

"Brian, don't." She closed her eyes for a moment.

"I just need you to know that."

"It's okay. I still love you."

I smiled and kissed her hand.

"Where's Ruby?" She asked.

"Alina is with her downstairs. She didn't want to eat lunch. Squash." I answered.

"She hates squash." Katherine sighed.

"I know. Me and Kaleb is going with Ruby to the doctors next week. Alina is going to help you with Quinn and Brooke."

"Copy." Katherine tried to get up. She winced in pain.


"Urination." She replied.

I helped her get off the bed and she limped to the bathroom. I turned to the girls.

"You guys need to say my name." I told them.

Brooke looked at me and crawled over to me. That's their new thing. Crawling. They mastered sitting up and holding the bottle last month. My babies are growing up too fast. I kissed Brooke head. Katherine comes out the bathroom a few minutes later.

"Babe, how come we don't have sex anymore?"

"Well, we have three triplets and you have a hole in your stomach." I replied.

She nodded slowly and got back in bed. "We should go on vacation. Just me and you, finding each other again."

"I would love that. As soon as your fully healed." I kissed her.


Guys...I have a confession...I've been thinking about killing someone (in the book). Only thing is I have to spend time grieving for that person and you guys obviously need something to happen so you will keep reading. Idk, are u bored with the book or what?

Lemme know.


-Chicken Soup 🍜

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