Finally Letting Go

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I walked downstairs in my house. I just got finished laughing and crying and talking to Mum with Kaleb. Brian is drinking a beer at the table by himself. My hand is bandaged and I took aspirins to ease the throbbing. I sit across from him.

"You left me. I wanted to be with you, Katherine. I really did. Hell, I still want to. But I can't because you can't admit that you were in the wrong. I get it. Family is important to you. But that is what this team's family. We fight together, we work together. You were a good fit." Brian stated. "I just broke up with Cheryl because of the fact that for past year, I've been all about you and not her but no more. You proved to me today that you will never change. You will always be the rude and unbelievable girl we first met. You hurt me and this is me letting you go for good. Got that. This is me getting over it and you entirely." He stood, finishing his beer.

I sat quiet. I don't have time for his tantrum. My mother is alive and she is upstairs, drinking a glass of Whiskey. Fuck Brian. I could care less- who am I kidding. I missed him more than I want to admit. He was the first sincere guy that I met in my life. And I ruined it. I told myself not to and I did and I hate myself. I watch as he turns his back and walked upstairs. I was wrong for leaving the way I did. But I will never admit that because it will make me weak. I am tired. I go back upstairs and go to sleep. I wake up the next morning. I feel like I was in a dream. I run to Mother room. She is having her morning cup of tea. I still remember how she likes it. Half tea, half booze. My father was a smoker. They fit perfectly. My mother was a drinker, my father was the smoker. My father drank occasionally and when he did, he got really drunk. It used to be the best thing because we would all have fun. My parents were very chill parents. We used to drink with them and everything. All of us even smoked pot together once. It was awesome. I miss times like those.

"Good morning, sweetie." Mother acknowledge me.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm okay. Thank you for-" She began.

"No. Don't thank me. You raised me, you loved me. The least I can do is save you." I held up a hand.

"I heard a lot about you. The great Katherine Howard. The killer. I am proud of how far you've come. You have grown into a remarkable woman." Mother walked over to me and hugged me.

"Are you coming back to America?" I asked after a moment.

"Absolutely. These Brits are dicks." She laughed.

I laughed, too.


Who do you guys like better? Kaleb or Katherine?

A: Katherine.

-Chicken Soup

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