Love is For Suckers

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I walk downstairs, in a light dress. My brother is cooking dinner with Ortiz and Parker. O'Connor, Toretto and Pierce are drinking beers in the living room. I sighed and sat on the counter.

"Brother, I'm bored." I told Kaleb.

"So go occupy yourself." Kaleb suggested.

"Don't get smart with me, bitch." I hissed.

"Seriously." Kaleb was prepping steaks. Letty was making mashed potatoes.

"I need to get out of this house. Go to a bar or party. Something." I rolled my eyes.

"You can gladly go. As long as you have someone with you." Kaleb smiled.

"Ugh." I groaned. "Freedom."

"With an escort."

"When is dinner going to be done?" I asked.

"In a few hours you hungry bitch."

"I'm going to take a nap in the meantime. Wake me." I hop off the counter.

As I pass the couch with the men on it, I make sure that my arm brushes his hair. I want to get under his skin. In the car, I did. Talking about his team made him salty. Why not add to it? I want to see how far I can push before he snaps.


Kaleb wakes me for dinner at six thirty. We're having dinner outside. The sun is setting under the wide ocean. I shower and dress in a red jumpsuit that hugs my curves. I walk downstairs and find everyone waiting for me at the table. Kaleb and I sit at either ends of the long table.

"Girl, can you sit down? A brother is hungry." Pierce rubbed his stomach.

"You can miss a few meals." I reassured him.

His face fell. "I'm not fat."

"Yeah okay." I sat down.

"Tej, am I fat?" Roman whispered.

Tej rolled his eyes.

"Ya know, sister, I figured we could visit Mom and Dad's grave." Kaleb told me.

I clenched my jaw.

"They were buried out here?" O'Connor asked.

"No. They were buried in West Bubble Fuck but he just decided to bring it up for no reason." I bit my lip.

"They were. In Old Creeks cemetery." Kaleb answered.

"How'd they go?" Letty look specifically at Kaleb.

"He was shot." I find myself talking. More than I wanted to. "He had an operation, he was fine but the next day, he just died. Mom died of a heart attack. Or, as I would say, a broken heart."

The table seems quiet.

"I'm sorry." Dom expressed.

"Your sorry. You can understand why it hurts. You wish me the best of luck. Keep my head up." I listed. "Heard it all before."

"He was just trying to be nice. God, you're a bitch." Letty hissed.

"Oh, I know I'm a bitch. But guess what? None of you can shut me up."

"Do you want to make a bet?" Letty was getting angry.

"I will rip your tonsils out with my bare hands. Temp me, bitch."

"Sister, enough." Kaleb held up a hand.

"We're here to help you." Letty informed me.

That sent my blood boiling. I feel my blood rush to my face. Kaleb could see it in my face.


"Sister, its okay. They're just doing their job." Kaleb rushed to me, hugging me.

I am so mad, I want to stab someone. I used to take classes for coping skills. I try to count to ten. It doesn't work.

"Your okay, love. No one is out to get you. They're not like the Drone crew. Trust me." Kaleb sighed.

I nodded slowly, still upset. I am Katherine Howard. I am a fucking Queen. I don't need anyone. Kaleb goes and sits down again. I bounce my leg.

"So, Letty, it has come to my attention that you lost your memory. But got it back." Kaleb ate some if his food.

"For a while, with Dom, I would see bits and pieces and then, seeing him on death's bed...everything just came back to me." Letty smiled at Dom.

I snickered.

"I've only been in love once. And she cheated on me with her boss. And my kind sister-" Kaleb encouraged me to finish.

"Kicked her ass to the point where she had temporary amnesia." I grinned.

"I heard your love life wasn't perfect, either." Roman said to me.

I chuckled. He has balls.

"Men are pigs. Simple." I said.

"Not all." Blondie whispered so low, that even me sitting next to him, was hard to make out.

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