And Like Herpes, Shes Back

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"We were told to kill them. Not scope them out." Tej told us.

We had our cars lined up, concealing us from the eyes of the compound which had men walking around it. We were far from them and used binoculars to see inside.

"We need to scope them out. See what we're up against." Dom said.

"I agree with Dom on this one. These Brits seem like dicks." Kaleb laughed at his own remark.

I laughed too.

"Hey, guys, while we're out here can we visit my old childhood home?" Kaleb asked suddenly.

"What if someone is living there?" I asked.

"My father owned that estate. Built it with his own hands in the eighties. Took him three years. Anyone that wanted to live there would have to go through Katherine or myself." Kaleb shook his head.

"So we'll go." Letty reassured him.

Kaleb smiled happy.

"You know-" Rome began.

Suddenly bullets were fired. Something pierced my left shoulder and pain burst from that spot. I shouted in pain. The shooter was coming from behind us. We jumped to the other sides of our cars. Poor cars. They're getting the worst of it.

A big black truck pulled up in front of us. That's it. We're all about to be killed. Our weapons are in our trunks. Fuck. But the driver doesn't aim at us. She shot at the shooter twice and he dropped, the bullets stopping. Her face is concealed with a black mask but her hair hangs down her back. She's in six inch stiletto heels and wears a long black trenchcoat that is buttoned up. She takes off her mask.


"Get in before that whole base comes and kill your asses." She said. She walked over to the shooter. My shoulder is bleeding pretty bad.

Is it just me or does her accent sound thicker? I watched as she checked his pulse. She smiled at him.

"Today is your worst day."

She helped him up and threw him in the trunk.

We all look at each other and get in the truck. Cheryl has to sit on the floor being there's no room and in Katherine's presence, I don't think her sitting on my lap is the best option. Katherine is kind of crazy. Katherine gets in the car and speeds off. She grabbed her walkie talkie.

"Chase, they are here. And were being shot at."

"Katherine..." He groaned.

"Don't worry. I didn't kill anyone. Well, I tried but...he's injured. I'm bringing him in but I can't stay. I have some personal business to take care of." She was doing ninety on a sixty five.

"Okay, love. I'll have Spencer and Nate meet you out front."

Katherine didn't reply. She sped up, swerving in out of lanes when cars were in her way. A car pulled up next to us. British men held up a gun. Katherine stomped on the brakes, the car wheezing. The car zoomed past us. She got behind it. She stomped on the gas and pushed the car into another car, it being a serious crash. She picked up the walkie again.

"Now I killed someone." She said as if it were an everyday thing.

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