How you met

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It was your first year of high school and you were beyond nervous. Your stupid brother and his f*ckboy friends were probably downstairs and you did not want to be associated with them on your first day of school. You rush downstairs with your backpack over one shoulder and into the kitchen where your mom was packing lunches.

Your mom: Morning honey

You: Morning mom when are we leaving

Your mom: YOU are leaving now, I leave at 8:30

She explained putting extra emphasis on the YOU and I

You groan knowing now you had to walk. You snatch an apple from the fruit bowl as you walk out the kitchen with your mom. You start speed walking to the door before your brother can embarrass you.

Your mom: Y/n wait

You stop at the door and turn slowly.

Your mom: I have a walking buddy for you

Your brother starts laughing.

You: Mom I don't need a-

Your mom: Lucky for you Chads brother is in your grade so you can walk to school together

Your mom directs your attention to a tall brown haired kid with hazel eyes.

Your mom: This is Jacob

You: Hello Jacob, can I leave now I don't wanna show up to school with this gang of idiots

Your brother: Rude

You flip him off but your mom doesn't notice. Jacob stifled a laugh.

Your mom: Get going kids

You turn and open your front door waiting for Jacob to come out before you close it. You walk in silence for a minute before breaking it.

You: Sooooo Jacob what middle school did you come from

Jacob: North Shore

You: Interesting

You: Are you a freshman

Jacob: Yeah I'm just-

You: Tall

You both laugh before getting quiet again.

You: So why did you-

Jacob: You know you ask a lot of questions

You: And you don't answer enough

Jacob: Touché

You bought laugh.

Jacob: I think we'll get along just fine

You nod in agreement as you both continue your walk down the street while playing some sort of 20 questions.

Here's a cute one, I did not feel the need to provide holy water for this but see you next time. 💖💖Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now