Power Part 2

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Recap: Last time on "Power" you had just noticed a scar over the right side of Jacobs chest that you would never have noticed if he wasn't shirtless.

You trace your finger of the scar looking up at him.

"It was my first time ever leading a heist...we were taking out some guys from downtown and I wasn't being careful enough-"

"You got shot"

Just the thought of him getting hurt filled your eyes with tears.

"Baby don't cry I'm okay"

He leans in kissing you gently.

"That was a long time ago, rookie mistake"

"...H-have you ever killed anyone"

You ask quietly staring at the bottom of the tub. Jacob hesitates before answering.

"It's my job Y/n"

"That's not what I-"

"Yes ok!...I have"

He searches your face for any emotion but you keep your eyes glued to the lion tattooed on his neck.

"Believe me Y/n your the last person I would hurt"

He confesses running a hand through your wet hair.

"...I know..."

You answer quietly again.

"Trust me princess, if I loose you I have nothing"

"You have a whole high rise"

"No fun if you don't have someone to share it with"

He responds pressing his forehead against yours.

"I guess"

You meet his eyes.

"If we ever broke up would you have to kill me"

"You don't really wanna know"

"You would wouldn't you"

"...I wouldn't want to, but you know everything"

Your feel your eyes getting wet again, even though you weren't sure why.

"Princess I love talking to you but why are you asking so many questions about my life now"

"You scare me...just a little"

"In a good way?"

"I don't think so"

"I promise you there's nothing to be scared of, I have layers, Your the only one who sees this side of me"

"The soft side"

"I am not soft!"

You raise an eyebrow giggling. 

"I'm not!"

You laugh harder eventually making him join in too.

"I guess you could say that"
He finally agrees

It hadn't occurred to you until now that you were sitting on his bare lap. You blush a little thinking of how P-G 13 the moment could easily become.



"Do you maybe wanna take this to my room"

He smirks biting his lip. You nod knowing that deep down it wasn't what you really wanted. You just didn't know how to say no to him. He lifts you out the water handing you a towel as he dries himself off with another one while walking away leaving you alone once again.

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now