Valentines Day

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You were currently making your way down the hall with a couple friends. Included in these friends just happens to be your crush Jacob.

Joey: So Y/n what are you getting for Valentines Day

You: A snap from team Snapchat

Everyone laughs.

Loren: Laaaaaaaaaame you Pringle

You: Be a Pringle, stay single

Zach: My god you have learned nothing, Valentines Day is the best way to exploit people for free candy

You: You can do that on Halloween idiot

You heard Jacobs familiar laugh behind you.

Ariel: Don't be salty just because you don't have a Valentine

You: I don't need one, Valentine's Day is the dumbest commercial holiday ever, it's just another way Hallmark card writers make money which is why I choose to spend my Valentine's Day alone and not waste my money on empty calories

Everyone groans.

Loren: Your missing the whole point of it

You: Go on

Loren: Valentine's Day is about love-

You: Oh look my class

You duck into the room and they all laugh behind you.

Zach: Tough break Jacob, I'll try talking to her in science

Zach pats Jacobs shoulder and walks into the room you went into.

Jacob: If she hates romance that much then maybe I shouldn't ask her out

Loren: No you have to ask her, you guys would be so cute together

Jacob: But-

Ariel: Y/n doesn't actually hate love she just genuinely hates Valentines Day

Joey: Wait what do you know

Ariel: In middle school her ex boyfriend broke up with her in front of everyone on Valentines Day and then started dating one of her friends

Loren: Oh my god

Ariel: Yeah

Jacob: Then I guess she needs some good memories to rebuild her image

Loren: Exactly

They all head to class as well.
~~~~Later that day~~~~

It was the end of the day and you were at your locker.

Jacob: Hey Y/n

You: Aaah!

You jump accidentally slamming the door.

You: Oh h-hi Jacob

Jacob: I didn't mean to scare you

He chuckles causing you to laugh too.

You: Oh that...I that like all the time...always...yeah

Jacob smirks at you as you mentally facepalm.

Jacob: Anyway I wanted to ask you something

You nod and suddenly realize he's taking both your hands. Your heart was beating a million times faster and you were hoping it wasn't as loud as you thought it was.

Jacob: I know you don't like Valentine's Day, but I was kinda thinking of asking you to be my Valentine this year, and every year...I guess what I'm trying to say is will you go-


Jacob starts cracking up.

You: Uuuuuuuh

Jacob: Your really cute y'know

You blush.

Jacob: Can I kiss you now

You almost faint as he started leaning in. You lean in too and before you knew it your lips smashed together in a passionate kiss. You were still blushing like hell when he pulled away.

Loren: Yay now she won't be a prude anymore

You: Hey Loren

Loren: What

You: Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers, this ones for you

You give her the middle finger and start walking away backwards. Right before you hit the door you turn and go home everyone else laughing behind you.

Joey: Welp she's your problem now

Jacob: (lovestruck) Yeah...mine

Isn't this cute!!!! It's literally 2:50 am here in New Jersey and I'm just casually awake writing fanfiction that no one reads instead of resting up for school. Anyways I hate Valentines Day and yeah. Bye. (P. S. It should really be called singles appreciation day)~ 💔💔💔💔Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now