Lonely Friday

645 21 4

While the average teenager was at a party or a sleepover or some type of social activity, you would much rather indulge yourself in the world of algebra homework. Not like anyone was gonna invite you anywhere anyways. The phone ringing interrupts you from your current duties.

"What do you want Jacob"

He groans on the other end of the phone.

"Oh hi handsome boyfriend, yeah I'm doing great how about you, man I'm really glad you called"

He imitates in a girl voice.

"That's how your supposed to answer the phone when I call you"

He says, as you roll your eyes obviously aware he can't see that.

"Whatever, look so you need something or-"

"What's with the attitude"

He asks knowingly.

"And don't tell me it's nothing because I f*cking hate when you do that"

"I'm just busy ok"

"Doing your algebra homework on a Friday night is not busy"

"And how the heck would you know what I'm doing"

"Because I'm standing outside your door"

You spin in your rolling chair to see his adorable face peeking the the small part of your door that was open. You chuckle, hanging up the phone and get up to give him a hug. Jacob wraps his arms around your waist, rubbing a hand up and down your back.

"Your Mom let me in just before she left for some dinner party thing, I don't know I wasn't really listening to what she said"

"Well good for my mom"

You say sarcastically as you go to walk away. He pulls you back in, resting his head on your shoulder.

"You still haven't told me what that attitude is about"

"Does it matter"

"Of course it does, if something's up I wanna know"

You sigh.

"Girls can be so b*tchy sometimes, y'know"

"Well not exactly, I'm not a girl but I would assume your going to tell me"

He smiles gently, now moving to your desk chair as you pace in front of him.

"I was in the locker room today minding my own business...*boring details*...and she called me ugly, which I know people do all the time and it means nothing but hearing it from her just-"

Jacob sits you on his lap.

"Ignore it dollface, I love you for you and not everyone is lucky enough to get that"


He cuts you off with a kiss.

"Don't let one situation ruin your whole day, it's Friday night and you were alone doing homework before I got here"

"Yeah I get it I'm boring, but you wouldn't understand that no ones ever called you ugly"

He pulls out his phone and goes on Instagram to pull up comments: ⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️

He pulls out his phone and goes on Instagram to pull up comments: ⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️

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"Could be worse"

He sighs.

"At least no one hates you this much"

He says again, obviously not as happy as when he first came in.

"Jacob I'm so sorry-"

"Don't be, its not your fault and it doesn't bother me, I have you so I don't care what they say"

"How could someone even say that"

He sighs.

"People are cruel, and when you put yourself out there like I do there are bound to be repercussions"

"Look if you ever wanna talk about it"

He smiles cupping your face in his hands.

"I don't want this to make you upset, it's not a big deal to me anymore and I don't want it to be one for you"

Jacob places a soft kiss on your lips.

"Who knows, maybe we're both weirdos but we're weird together"

He says.

"I like the sound of that"

You smile as he rubs his hands comfortingly up and down your back.

I apologize for that earlier outburst. Wait. No I don't. I needed to get that off my chest and like yeah I'm aware no one cares or probably even reads this, but someone will find this funny eventually. Love you all 💖💖💖~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now