Ballroom Dancing

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"Ok everyone as you know this week starts our ballroom dancing unit"

Your gym teacher says as she walks around the gym. You weren't looking forward to it, especially with Jacob in your class. He's annoying, cocky, and everyone knows he acts like a player, so the last thing you wanted was to be partners with him. In the time it took you to think about all of that, your teacher had already started assigning partners.

"Y/n and Jacob"

You groan audibly. This is exactly what you didn't want, and now his annoying @$$ was walking towards you like the arrogant jerk-

"Hey Y/n could you stop insulting me in your head and get down here"

"That's not what I was doing"

You roll your eyes as you step down from the bleachers and ignore the hand he stretched towards you.

"I can do it myself thank you"

You find a space on the gym floor and stand facing each other like the other partner pairs as your gym teacher started giving instructions. Jacob smirks placing his hand on your waist as you place yours on his shoulder.

"That's exactly what you were doing babygirl, you hate me for whatever reason and I still can't figure out why"

You scoff.

"Speechless for the first time, wow"


You mutter as he takes your other hand holding it up with his.

Incase you don't understand, this is a heartwarming picture of senior citizens ballroom dancing:

Incase you don't understand, this is a heartwarming picture of senior citizens ballroom dancing:

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The music starts and you begin dancing, Jacob leading as you gracefully follow.

"Tell me exactly why you don't like me"

He says making the eye contact you were trying to avoid.

"Do you really wanna know"

"Yeah go ahead tell me because for the life of my I can't figure it out"

You scoff.

"You really couldn't figure out that I don't like you because you act so cocky and entitled. Have you not noticed you playboy behavior or are you just so blind to it you don't even realize the way you act"

He furrows his eyebrows.

"Don't look at me like that you jerk, every girl in this gym much less our grade is in love with you and I bet you like it"

"Even you?"

"What do you think"

You roll your eyes.

"I think..."

He starts as he extends his arm to spin you before pulling you back in and wrapping you in his arms. His breath fans against your neck as he answers.

"You have a completely wrong idea, and quite frankly your attitude is unnecessary"

You turn and continue your dance.

"Is that so"

You say looking at him with an eyebrow raised. He nods.

"First of all I'm not arrogant or a jerk, second you obviously haven't seen me ignore the girls who throw themselves at me, and how am I player if I've only ever had one girlfriend"

You stay quiet.

"Exactly, you have no reason to hate me now"

"Ok maybe I don't hate you, but your attitude"

"Oh really"

"Around your friends you act like such a douche, and I know that's not what your actually like"

You say, your height difference giving you the excuse to stare at his chest and not look up at his face.

"Why do you care so much"

"I-I don't but you asked-"

"I didn't say I didn't like it"

You look back up at him, your eyes landing on his plump lips first.

"Your hard to talk to y'know, I can tell with you"

"You're one to talk Jacob"

He extends his arm and spins you again before pulling you back in.

"Then maybe we should do less talking"

He says leaning down and placing his lips on yours. You smile into it, willingly kissing him back.

So when the Wattpad support team restored my book, some of my chapters are either missing or they were unpublished. If you want me to rewrite a favorite I can try. I wrote this in the car so don't be mad if it's bad 😂😂😂~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now