Too Late Part 2

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This was highly requested, so here you go. I'm excited too actually. Wait no I'm not.

"Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, everyone always wants to talk about Jacob"

You groan complaining to Charles who was sitting on the other end of your bed.

"I'm sorry you two didn't work out lil sis"

"And I can't even be mad"

You continue

"His girlfriend is so sweet it's really hard to dislike her"

"Don't worry we can find you someone"

"No thanks, I think I'll just focus on graduating"

He nods.

"Welp my friends are coming over but if you need anything just ask"

"Thanks Char"

You smile weakly and he smiles back ruffling your hair before walking away. See when Chars friends come over they bring their girlfriends. In other words Jacob and someone who isn't you. You decide that binge watching Netflix will suffice as a good time passer.



You take your headphones off.


You hear Charles's voice yelling. You run to the stairs.


"Do you know where the batteries are!"

"Second cabinet on the left in the kitchen!"

"Can you get them!"

You roll your eyes but go downstairs anyway. The most annoying part of this whole Jacob ordeal is that all his friends know you got your heart broken. As your walking by the living room you see everyone sitting together. Jacob with his arm around her as she and some of the others laughed at a joke.

She's so pretty, I couldn't compete with that

You think to yourself.

"No wonder he chose her"

You say out loud as you walk into the kitchen.

"Chose who"

You hear someone say making you jump out of your skin. Joey was leaning against your kitchen counter on his phone, a glass of water next to him. He shoots you a smirk as you breathe heavily, hand over your heart.

"You scared me"


He chuckles.

"Who are you talking about"

"No one, why aren't you in there"

"Because I'm a f*cking 7th wheel, I've been "getting water" for 15 minutes and no one even noticed I'm gone"

"I can relate"

You say quietly walking over to the cabinet he was standing next to with the intention of grabbing batteries.

"You were talking about Jacob weren't you"


You say unenthusiastically.

"In all honesty, I think your the better choice"

You feel yourself blushing.

"Thank you, but I don't agree"

You say moving your gaze away from his. He lifts your chin.

"Why not, you have everything she has but better"

You smile and look away, no one ever compliments you like that.

"Do you ever want to do something even though you know you shouldn't"

He says.

"Well sure, I do it anyway I guess"

He smirks backing you against the counter.

"Well now it's my turn"

Joey leans towards you, closing the space between your lips in a passionate kiss. You freeze momentarily but kiss back.


He mumbles through the kiss. You obey, wrapping your legs around his waist as he sits you back against the countertop. Your arms wrap around his neck as his rest on your waist.

What the heck is going on

You think to yourself as he swipes his tongue across your bottom lip asking for entrance. You let him, and your tongues battle for domina-

"Y/n how long does it take to get batteries you said you knew where they were!"

You hear Chars voice yell getting closer, but he was already in the kitchen by that time.

"Joey what the f*ck!"

You hear Charles's voice say. He pulls away and rolls his eyes at Charles.


Charles nods at the door for you to go. Joey lets you slip off the counter, and as your rounding the corner you can hear their back and forth.

"My sister Joesph, really"

"Look I'm sorry Char...but she needs someone right now, and I wanna give her what she needs"

"No, what she needs is to stay away from guys like you and focus on school"

"Are you calling me a f*ckboy"

"I'm just saying that-"

"Wow Charles, we both know I'm not like that anymore but I guess only one of us believes it"

Joey says sounding upset as they exit the kitchen in separate directions. Charles heads to the living room and Joey towards your backyard screen door. You follow him and open the door gently to see him sitting on your deck.


You say quietly. He motions for you to sit and you do.

"I've done sh*t I'm not proud of, everyone has, but I'm not like that anymore and I just want you to know that if we ever got together I would never-"

You cut his sentence off pressing your lips against his. He kisses back before you pull away, in shock at your own actions.

"Hurt you"

He finishes smirking a little.

"So what do you say, go out with me some time"

You nod.

"I'd love to"

He smiles.

"We should get back"

You say. He agrees and follows you inside. You expected him to follow you up to your room but Charles snaps at him, as in snaps his fingers to stop him. Joey shoots you a wink before walking back to join the others. As your going upstairs you happen to make eye contact with Jacob. He furrows his eyebrows as if there was something he didn't understand, but why would that matter...he has a girlfriend now.

I already know your just waiting to comment "Oh My GaWd BiAnCa WrItE pArT 3¡". Don't trip people, part 3 is coming. I already started it and picked a song. No it's not depressing. I'm not crying you are 😅😅😅~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now