Performance Arts

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1) I tried to resist the urge to put BTS music in the media bar, but I couldn't help it.

2) I haven't been feeling very inspired lately, and my mom is getting on my nerves always yelling at me.

3) Ok but look at the editing I did to make that whole character chart so no one was confused (I clearly didn't make up the names, these are all real people)

I take a deep breath as I enter the new environment. It felt like only yesterday I was receiving the acceptance letter from the performance arts school I had applied to in sophomore year. It was completely different from my regular high school, and although a little nervous I'm more than excited to be here. With my backpack on my back, my schedule in my left hand, and my art portfolio in my right, I make my way down the hallway and navigate the sea of new faces.

"Hey you, hows your first day going!"

My loudmouth brother walks over punching me in the arm. I topple slightly because I obviously wasn't prepared to be punched in the middle of the hallway, but manage to catch myself before anything embarrassing happens.

"Better before you got here, besides it hasn't even started yet"

I answer with an unintentional attitude. I hear someone who isn't him snicker, and only then is my attention drawn to the four boys he brought with him. One of them was holding a portfolio like mine, and the other three only carried backpacks.

"Oh by the way these are my friends"

He gestures with his hand.

"Sean and Connor are dance students, Jacobs in performing arts, and Case will probably be in your graphic design class"

I give them each a small individual smile, to which they respond with either a smile back or the "whats up" head nod. As I make eye contact with Jacob, his eyes seem to settle on me longer, taking in my full appearance. He's really attractive I'm not gonna lie, but I have things to do and places to be. My brother must have noticed because he felt the need to interrupt our moment.

"Sooooo lets see that schedule"

He stanches it from my hand and I roll my eyes knowing good and well we won't have any classes together. As he's pretending to look over my schedule, the early bell rings. I snatch my schedule back from him.

"Well, off I go...nice meeting you"

I say politely as I walk down the hallway I had remembered from orientation. I'm minding my own business when an arm drapes loosely around my shoulder.

"Hey babe, you look good"

I groan in annoyance and throw his arm off me.

"Hello Alex"

I roll my eyes sarcastically.

"You should feel my shirt, it's made of boyfriend material"

I poke him in the stomach because I know he's ticklish.

"I don't know, feels clingy and unreliable to me"

"Damn someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, cranky much?"

"I'm not cranky, and I'm also not a cactus expert, but I know a prick when I see one"

He chuckles.

"Really where!?"

He pretends to be excited and puts his hand up to his forehead as if searching for something. I open my front camera and point it at his face.

"Wow, ok...I see how it is"

He pretends to get serious making me laugh.

"I'm just saying, they really let anyone in her nowadays"

He places his hand over his heart pretending to be offended.

"My feelings are deeply hurt by your hatred for me"

He elongates.

"I wouldn't call it hatred, but every time I'm next to you I feel the burning desire to be alone"

"That's a little disrespectful don't you think?"

Alex scoffs jokingly.

"Don't you have somewhere to be? Like I don't know...cLaSs"

"Someone's bossy today"

He says, evidently trying to hide a smile.

"I'm not bossy, I just know what you should be doing"

I clap back making the both of us erupt in laughter. If there's one friend I can goof around like that with, it's him. That's why I was so happy he got into the program. Of course I would never tell him that.

"Well, here's my stop"

He says over dramatically while pointing to the engineering classroom ahead. We say a quick goodbye before I turn to the left and enter the graphic design room, my first class of the day.


I stand at my locker carefully putting away my art portfolio and my other work. I don't need it for lunch and my final class of the day. As I'm doing so I feel a presence nearing, and look to my right to see Jacob leaning confidently against my locker. His height advantage making him look all the more put together.

"Haven't I seen you somewhere before"

He jokes.

"Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore"

I play along. He just chuckles.

"Someone has a smart mouth"

I agree while closing my locker. He walks alongside me and we make small talk as we head to lunch.

"So how's your first day going"

"Pretty good, the classes are amazing"

He nods in agreement.

"Yeah, I've heard good things from Case about the arts program. I'm more of a performance guy myself"

"What kind?"

"I sing, but I've always wanted to get into acting too"

"Really, you'll have to sing for me sometime"

I blush realizing I just outwardly flirted with him and his response seemed to be ok with it.

"Only if you give me a date first"

He retorts. I nod and smile looking away. My eyes happen to catch my brother at the lunch table in front of us and he smirks knowing.

"Oh my god Jacob you're so hot and I totally have a soft spot for boys who can sing!"

My idiot brother jokes in an effeminate voice.

"Shut up!"

"I should totally thank my awesome older brother for introducing me to you otherwise we would have never found true love"

I glance at Jacob who was laughing, noticing a slight redness on his cheeks. I roll my eyes and scoff.

"I sound nothing like that"

My brother laughs and continues to humiliate me in front of my future husba- I-I mean Jacob. Welp, it's gonna be a long year.

Gaaaaaaaaah BTS has me S H O O K
the song is hot, is it not? ~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now