"Harmless Prank" Part 2

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Due to a "very convenient" (note the sarcasm) glitch, I can't see if anyone requested this but I'm writing it anyway so there ya go. We're starting off in Jacobs P.O.V. by the way.

A whole week has passed and I haven't talked to Y/n once. In fact I think she goes out of her way to avoid me. Even her friends give me dirty looks sometimes. Joey and I don't talk AT ALL, but I heard he's been trying to make passes at Y/n, all of which she's shut down. I can't even look at her without seeing the hurt in her eyes, like I said she'll never forgive me. It sucks y'know, seeing her was the highlight of my day. Our short conversations in passing or even texting...and now she's gone.


I snap out of it to see Y/n standing at my desk. Is she here to talk!

"I asked if you could push your chair in more so I can get by"

Oh. I sigh pushing my chair in so she can pass. As she does I catch a whiff of her perfume, she always smells really good. She couldn't even look at me to say that, I messed up bad.

"I'm coming around to check your homework from last night"

Our teacher says as she walks into the room. I rest my head in my hand that was currently leaning up on the desk. The only thing I look forward to in this class is seeing Y/n, and now that's gone too. Y'know what, I'm gonna talk to her one way or another.


As the bell rings I head to her locker. Most likely she'll be packing up fast so we don't bump into each other in the hall. I stop in front of the open door and wait for her to slam it, leaving us face to face. Her eyes widen and her gaze moves to look up at me. She probably regretted that.

"I just wanna talk"

"And I just wanted you to show up for our date, but I guess we don't all get what we want do we"

She says and turns as if to walk away. I grab her wrist but she doesn't turn around.

"You don't have to look, just listen"

I say hopefully and I feel her relax in my grip.

"Joey set me up, the guys were at my house and he texted you pretending to be me"

"How long did it take you to come up with that"

She scoffs, but I knew it was coming.

"Do you think I would lie to you"

"I don't know anymore, I didn't think you would ever stand me up but here we are"

I don't know where the sudden burst of confidence came from, but I pull her closer to where my lips just barely brush her ear.

"You know I wouldn't do that to you, I would never intentionally hurt you like that and if you really don't believe it I can get Hunter and Blake to prove it"

She turns, I can see on her face that she's thinking it over. Maybe I should say something I haven't ever said to her face.

"I like you Y/n, I really do and I wanted to ask you out on an actual date but-"

"I like you too"

She says without looking at me as her hair cascades around her face covering it slightly. I lift her chin and it flows back, showing off her sparkling eyes which I think is a sign she doesn't hate me anymore.

"Will you go out with me for real this time"

She bites down on her bottom lip and looks down before looking back up at me.

"Ok, but don't screw it up or I swear I'm never talking to you agai-"

Like I said, I don't know where the confidence came from but I lean down and press my lips against hers. They're soft and warm, like how I always imagined kissing her would be. After a second of initial shock she kisses me back, and I felt her smile into it before we pulled away and looked at each other, now both smiling like idiots.

"I think I'll come pick you up this time"

I joke and she laughs and nods as she pulls her phone out of her pocket.

"I'd better get going"

She smiles adorably as she starts walking away.

"Bye Jacob"

"Bye beautiful"

I say which shocks me just as much as it shocks her. She blushes and he footsteps increase as she catches up to her friend in the hallway, probably about to have a lengthy chat about what just happened. I'm usually not that good at complimenting people, especially Y/n, but somehow I found the courage to have that conversation with her so I don't think I'll have that problems anymore.

I can't reply to comments so like is there even a point in commenting 🙄🙄🙄~ Bianca

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