911: After the Case

387 15 13

I was trying to make the title dramatic like a 2020 special but I don't think it worked.

"NYPD detective department this is P.I. L/n speaking how may I help you"

I answer the phone. I really missed being back in New York.

"Hi P.I. L/n, I'm calling about that invitation to come visit you in New York"

The second I hear the voice I know exactly who it is.

"Jacob you know I can't take personal calls at work"

I giggle into the phone, just hearing his voice made me smile.

"I think you'll wanna hear this"


"I'm kinda on a train right now"

"Where are you going?"

"New York"

I gasp.

"I'll see you in 4 hours"

I squeal excitedly. It's been months since the first time we met on that case in LA, and I haven't seen him since then but we've stayed in contact often and let's just say we're more than friends now.

"Come pick me up later?"

"Of course, but why didn't you just drive?"

He scoffs.

"Are you crazy, New Yorkers are wild drivers and that's a fact. I am not about to find myself in that traffic"

"You right, but I gotta go"

We both laugh.

"I'll see you soon"


I hang up excitedly. Only an hour left of work and I get to see Jacob again. How exciting.


Now I'm at home, obviously by now off of work. Boba sits at the foot of my bed while I frantically decide what outfit to wear:

 Boba sits at the foot of my bed while I frantically decide what outfit to wear:

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"What do you think"

I turn around and ask her. She blinks lazily. This cat is always sleeping, figures. Anyways I'd better start driving now if I want to make it to Penn Station in time. Its one of the busiest places by far with all the people bustling back and forth.


I sit patiently inside and wait for his train gate to start flooding with people, that's how I'll know he's here. The board that shows the time and arrival of each train is light up over his. Now I know he's here. People start moving in their own directions and I stand up to get a letter look around. He's easy to spot in a crowd. All I have to do is look for the fluffy hair aaaand- bam I see him!

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now