Sleeping With the Enemy

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! In the spirit of turkey day I decided to post because I'm currently on the way home from celebrating with my family in Pennsylvania.

"Were were number 1, not number 4 number 3 or number 2, we're number 1!"

You and your fellow cheerleaders sing as they throw you into the air. The football team had finally did it. They had finally won against your school's biggest opponent and competition. The celebration continues as you walk back into school, getting your stuff and changing out of your uniform.

"See you Monday Y/n"

Loren and Luna wave as they walk away. You wave back and turn in the opposite direction. Now that you were in plain clothes it wouldn't matter if you went to the visitor side, and just as you expected the person you were looking for was ready and waiting.


You heard him call as he took off his helmet. You smile walking over and lazily draping your arms around his neck while he does the same to your waist.

"Hiya loser"

You smirk as he places a kiss on your lips.

"That's a little hurtful"

He chuckles making an over dramatic facial expression.

"Hey, it's the truth"

You joke placing another kiss on your lips.

"But I still love you"

"I love you too"

You smile as he walks you back to your car. Not many people know about your relationship and you were hoping to keep it that way. Especially considering your supposed to be rivals. Just as you open the cars backseat door to put your bag away, you feel his hands on your hips, pushing you into the backseat and getting on top of you.

"Wait Jacob-"

He presses his index finger to your lips while closing the door with his other hand.

"Come on babygirl, I need you to make me feel better about loosing"

He smirks pressing a passionate kiss to your lips, to which you immediately return. He tugs down the zipper of the cheerleading hoodie you were wearing.

"Can I"

He asks and you nod lifting your lower body so he could slip the waistband of your pants down.


"Welcome to Starbucks what can I get you"

"Shut up Emma!"

You chuckle walking behind the counter to clock in and join the rest of your waiting barista friends. As your putting on your apron you walk over and start filling orders. The afternoon rush was in full swing, and there was no time to waste.

"Y/n can you take register, SOMEONE knocked over the gallon of coffee beans"

Emma complains.

"I already said I was sorry!"

You hear Luna wail in the background making you suppress a laugh as you hand a woman her drink. Luckily for you this was the tail end of the afternoon rush, and currently no one was around. You look down on your phone and start scrolling through Instagram, when the little bell rings signifying someone's entry. You look up and your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. In walked Jacob and some friends, some were girls and they must have each been dating one of the football players. The fourth girl looked like she was trying and failing to get Jacobs attention, which made you laugh but also question.


"Madison? What brings you to this side of town?"

You ask the cheer captain of the rival team.

"Just visiting, you have a better mall y'know"

She whispers the second part making you laugh. As you start taking their orders you make eye contact with Jacob, and he blushes slightly.

"Eh em"

You clear your throat waiting. You glance from him to the register and then back to him, before one of his friends slaps him in the chest.

"Dude stop staring and order"

Jacob snaps out of his trance and orders while his friends snicker. They pay and you eventually succeed in making it, purposely doing Jacobs last so you could talk to him alone.

As you slide the cup across the pick-up counter, he grabs your hand. Your eyes widen and your head instantly shoots to where his friends were talking away.

"Thank god, Millie's so annoying I don't know who invited her"

He sighs like it was nothing.

"J-Jacob your friends-"

"Does it really matter, besides I'd prefer if she knew I was off the market...y'know"

He says smoothly making you chuckle.

"I won't keep you from work"

He smirks lifting your chin and pressing a slow kiss onto them. You heard the noise from his friends stop. If they were clueless before, by now they know what's going on. As he pulled away you were left in an expression of shock.


He asks pretending to be clueless.

"Maybe I want them to know I'm sleeping with the enemy"

He smiles as he walks away nonchalantly as if he didn't just fluster you in the middle of work.

When was even the last time I updated...I'm disappointed in myself. In better news, my school is the Central Jersey Football State Champions for the second year in a row. Today we had a Thanksgiving game and it was freezing, but we won so I guess I can put that aside. Bye 🦃 🦃 🦃 ~Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now