A Matter of Life and Death (Prologue)

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Hi. I'm still alive. I don't know why y'all assume I died every time I don't update, but I'm back. Sort of. My updates are slow, we've established this. Anyways here's a fun imagine I thought of like 10 minutes ago. Don't take it too seriously.

What if you knew the exact date and time of your death, but wait...there's a catch?


You sigh to yourself as you get up from your lazy position on the couch. You didn't intend to be awake this late on a school night, but hey. Tomorrow was Friday, and in your defense Netflix was practically begging you to watch the entire season of On My Block. You shuffle around the house getting ready for bed before finally making it to your room. As you tucked yourself in for bed, you couldn't help but get the sense something weird was about to happen.



You began hearing the familiar ring of your alarm, but as sleep deprived as you were, you got the feeling it was too early to be getting ready for school. Coming to terms with the situation you prepared to snuggle back under the covers when your peace and serenity were interrupted.

"Good morning Y/n"


You groggily answer back before realizing you should never be waking up to another voice in your room. Reality hits you like a truck as you instantly sit up to see a random girl you've never seen before yet somehow looks familiar. Your eyebrow raises, as you inspect her facial features. She looked somewhat like...you? Only older and with a nose piercing. She also had shorter hair.

"Who are you and why are you in my room"

You finally collect yourself enough to ask.

"Good questions"

She answers in a voice that sounded exactly like yours.

"I'm you, but from the future"

Your mind immediately flashes back to Meet the Robinson's, because this right here is some Meet the Robinson's type sorcery.

"Yeah sure, and I'm you but from the present...wait"


She answers stepping closer towards you.

"I'm here for an important reason, and we don't have much time"

"Did my mom hire you to wake me up for school? Because last time I checked I was perfectly capable of using an alarm clo-"


You gesture for her to continue speaking figuring if this was some sort of vivid dream you should at least enjoy yourself.

"As I was saying, I'm you from the future. I was sent here with an important warning about your...well our, death"


You question and she nods quickly starting to speak again.

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now