Too Late

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I'm just gonna warm you right now, this one doesn't have a perfect fairytale ending. It's not like the stuff I usually write, so don't be alarmed.

"Hey Y/n, do you think I should take my drivers license picture high so I look the same when the police actually pull me over for being high"

Your brother Charles asks while walking into your room without knocking. In his defense however, the door was already open.

"No Char"

You chuckle.

"This is exactly why I got my license before you"

He rolls his eyes.

"So I can't parallel park, big deal"

You chuckle more. For siblings you two had a pretty close relationship.

"Anyway I came to ask if you wanted to come pick up a pizza with me"

"And by that you mean can I go get a pizza but you'll come with me"


He nods.


You agree slipping shoes on before walking downstairs with him.

"And where do you two think your going"

Your mom says from her seat on the couch.


You say in unison as you walk out the door. Now in the car you had the chance to find out what was really going on.

"How many other people are waiting for you to get pizza"

You chuckle, knowing exactly how strategic your brother was.

"Oh not that many, just a couple of my friends...and Jacob"



Jacob is one of his friends that he's been trying (and failing) to set you up with. Every single time you saw each other it would get weird, and for some reason you just couldn't hold a conversation around him.

"I'm gonna kill you"

"Violence against your older brother is not appreciated"

He says in a professional tone. You both crack up as you pull into the parking lot of the pizzeria.

"I really hate you for this"

You say as the two of you walk in.

"Did you even order a pizza"


He says nonchalantly.

"I do not appreciate the lying Charles, it's bad for your character"

The two of you start laughing again.

"Well look who it is"

You heard Joeys voice say, obviously talking to Char. His friends started bro hugging him and whatnot, and you wave.

"Did he really make you drive him here because he failed the test"

Joey laughs. You nod and everyone laughs more. Out of the corner of your eye you see Jacob. And apparently Charles saw him too, because he shoved you straight into him and pretended not to do anything. Jacob catches you with ease, wrapping his arms around your waist to stand you up straight.

"I-I'm so sorry"

You say a little flustered.

"You good?"

He asks, brushing the hair out of your face. You nod.

"I am now"

You say under your breath. He must have heard though because he cracked a noticeable smirk.

"Sit with me"

He kind of tells more than asks. You don't refuse, especially since he was still holding you by the waist. It wasn't awkward this time. You had a normal conversation as you ate and he was actually funny when you stuck around long enough to make jokes.

"I was actually hoping I would see you today, there's something I've been meaning to tell you"

Omg is he gonna tell me he wants to go out

"I know Charles has been trying to set us up for a while, and your amazing and everything...I love talking to you but-"


A girl's voice interrupts his statement. She slides into the booth next to him and kisses his cheek. You could physically feel your heart break and you didn't even know why.


You say quietly avoiding his eye contact.

"...nice to know"

You barely whisper, feeling probably more hurt than you should. You slip out of your chair and grab your phone, about to walk away.

"I guess I'll see you around"

He says. You hesitate before answering.

"No, I don't think you will"

You answer running away before you cry in front of everyone. Now from your seat in the car you let it out. Of course you weren't dating, but you don't realize how much you love someone until they're gone.

I guess I was too late.

See, I told you. Y'all better not be all like "oH mY gAwD bIaNcA yOu MaDe Me CrY" because I warned you. I'm sorry guys a sHiStAr has snapped. 😅😅😅~ BiAnCa

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now