Mind Your Buisness

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I started school one week and three days ago on Thursday and I'm just...great. It's not even that I hate school or anything I just don't like people, especially the entitled popular ones. Who knows, maybe now that I'm a sophomore things will be different...nah, I doubt it.

"Of course you are I know it!"

You were currently on your way to leave school when you overheard Jacob, a friend of yours, fighting with his girlfriend as usual. You didn't understand why they fought so much, I mean if you don't get along then break up already. As you unintentionally eavesdrop, it seemed as though she was accusing him of cheating. Knowing Jacob the way you did he would never do anything like that, but it wasn't your place to intervene.

"Mills I'm not cheating on you, I don't get why your always so insecure!"

"Your in her f*cking likes Jacob!"

"So what I have more friends that just you!"

"You can't be-"

At that point you had tuned out of the conversation and decided to go back to minding your business. You knew for a fact that if you were the one dating Jacob, you would never treat him the way she did. You wondered if she even knew how lucky she was. What you didn't realize however was that their fight was coming from ahead of you and not behind, so you were about to find yourself right in the middle of it.

"Oh hey Y/n, just the person I wanted to see"

"Uh...hi Millie?"

You'd never even really had a conversation before, so why she wanted to talk all of a sudden was beyond you. She signals for you to walk over and you shoot Jacob a questioning look but agree.

"Now that your over here I was wondering if you could explain something to me"

"I-I was kind of going home but-"

"Ok good, anyways would you like to explain why MY boyfriend liked your picture"

She asks with an obvious attitude as she puts an emphasis on him being HERS. You scoff mentally. Is this really what she called you over there to ask. How are you supposed to know his motives.

"I really don't know, but I'm trying to go home soooo-"

"Oh I bet you are"

You turn your head sharply to look at her. Not only was her attitude pissing you off, but the fact that Jacob was letting her talk to you like that hurt even more.

"What's that supposed to mean"

You snap, now just as on edge.

"Oh nothing, just that I know what you two have been up to"

You shoot Jacob a quizzical look and he mouths "I'm sorry" before you turn your attention back to Millie.

"I really don't know what your talking about, nor do I care so I'm gonna leave no-"

"Why, did I expose you or something"

You sigh deeply.

"Look I really don't know why you felt the need to involve me in whatever this is, but I'm leaving"

"Don't leave yet, I'm still waiting for Jacob to admit that he's cheating on me"

"Millie I don't care if he's cheating on you, which is something Jacob wouldn't do by the way"

You say coming to his defense although her attitude was really getting on your nerves. Not to mention the fact that Jacob hadn't made any effort whatsoever to diffuse the situation.

"Of course you would say that, I bet your the one he's cheating with"

Your felt your eyebrows raise in shock.

"We alredy know you want him, seems about right to me"

Your jaw mentally dropped, and you could feel your cheeks flushing. Not because she was right, but because Jacob never found out about your crush on him.


He gives you a questioning look and you don't look back, unable to turn your gaze away from Millie smirking triumphantly. You push past her as she laughs, running straight down the street in the direction of your house, not wanting her to see you crying and hold that over your head as well.


"Y/nnnnn what's wrong"

Your younger sister asks as she walks into your room. You pull her onto your bed and she hugs you although you were sure she didn't know.

"Nothing Ella, I'm fine"

She looks at your face, poking a dried tear line on your cheek. You smile to yourself at how much she knew for a three year old.

"Something embarrassing happened...that's pretty much it"


She prods, clearly wanting to know more.

"You know Jacob right, he's been here a couple times"

She nods.

"He...he found out I like him, but he has a girlfriend and now my life is over"

"You'll be ok"

She answers before squirming out of your grip and walking away. You really wanted to believe she was right as you continued sulking around.

~A few minutes later~

You could have sworn you heard a car pull up in your driveway, but neither of your parents were off work at this time so you figured it was your imagination. Seconds later you hear your door creak open and your jaw drops to the floor as you see Ella leading Jacob into your room. Then you remember she recently learned about opening the front door.


You say half shock half question.


He answers kinda awkwardly as Ella walks away. He sits on your bed next to you and you look down at the sheets.

"I broke up with her"

He says making you look up.

"We fight all the time and I've been putting up with it for no reason"

"...good for you I guess"

You look back down at your lap, playing with your fingers to try and pass the awkward silence.

"Did you come all the way here just to tell me that?"

You finally ask.


He answers.

"I came all the way here to tell you that I've been idiotically dating the wrong person for a while now, but luckily I already know the girl I want to be with now"

"I bet it's Jenna"

You murmur under your breath.

"It probably is, I see the way she flirts with you in-"

He lifts your chin and turns your face towards him as his lips softly press against yours.

"Still think it's Jenna"

He smirks lightly as your eyes flutter open from a moment you had only imagined.

"I can answer her question for you too"

He says looking you deeply in the eyes.

"I liked it because your gorgeous"

It's been a while, what like a month since I updated. I've had school obviously and like...no. I'm also having an allergy attack so thanks to grass for infecting me. Ok bye 🤧🤧🤧~ Bianca

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