He Gets Jealous

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You sprint furiously around your room trying to find your history review packet.

You: Aha!

You put it in your binder and finish packing your backpack. On mornings where you didn't finish your homework you were totally disorganized and always showed up to school looking like trash. Today as you ran down the stairs you were wearing a black long sleeve crop top, blue jeans, and your varsity jacket. You threw on your ugg slippers and ran to the car where your mom was waiting. She started driving cracking jokes about the messy bun your hair was in.

You: Moooom stop that's not funny

Your mom: Y/n have some pride in your appearance

You: Excuse me this is the best rush outfit I've ever thrown together

You two laugh as she pulls up at your school.

Your mom: Have a good day honey, say hi to Jacob for me

You nod and go inside. When you see your friends in the cafeteria you go sit with them.

Loren: Someone woke up late again

You: I didn't wake up late!

Joey: Uh huh then why are you getting defensive

You: Not helping Joey

They laugh.

Ariel: So what is it this time

You were pulling homework out of your backpack and started writing furiously.

You: Gotta finish

They laugh as your friend Mark slides into the seat next to you. You have mostly honors classes and he's in most of them so you're pretty close.

Mark: Forget your homework again

You nod writing furiously. Mark joins the conversation and your friends continue talk and laughing.  You were in your own world when you got snapped out of it by a kiss on your cheek.

You: (without looking up) Hi Jacob

Jacob: Dam where's my love and affection

Everyone laughs.

You: Doing her homework

You go back to writing as Jacob sits across the table from you at the open seat. Suddenly you get a text.
Jacob: He's in my seat

You: Then tell him to move

Jacob: He's your friend you do it

You: Jacob I'm not gonna fight with you about this now

You turn off your phone and go back to writing.  You happen to notice Jacob glaring at Mark across the table. Mark looks Jacob to you and then back at Jacob before looking down at his phone. Jacob continues to give Mark dirty looks.

Mark: Dude can I help you with something

Jacob: Yeah get out of my seat

Mark: I don't see your name on it

You: Can you two not do this now

You say trying to focus on the problem you were solving. Jacob and Mark continue to argue.

You: Both of you shut up Jacob leave Mark alone!

Jacob: Your seriously taking his side!

You: I'm not taking sides, I'm trying to do my homework and you stated it!


He gets up and walks away leaving you absolutely dumbfounded that he would even say something like that.

Loren: You ok

You nod.

You: Just Jacob being his over dramatic self

They nod as the bell rings and you start making your way around to your classes.

You were currently on your way to last period when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

Jacob: Can we talk

You: I don't wanna talk to you

Jacob: Please Y/n

You: No

Jacob: Were going to the same god damn class!

You let him catch up with you.

You: Fine

Jacob: Look baby I'm really sorry about this morning

You: Why do you act like that all the time

Jacob: Because...

You: Because...

Jacob: Your smart, like really smart, and pretty, and nice, and your everything I'm not...someone could easily steal you away from me

You: That's why you don't like Mark

He nods.

You: If I cared about any of that would we still be dating after two years

Jacob: No...I guess not

You: Ok then

Jacob: You could do so much better

You: No Jacob I could, Your the only guy I want

His face lights up.

Jacob: I love you Y/n...I f*cking love you

You: I love you too J

He kisses you lightly on the cheek as you walk into class together.

Waddup home dogs...sorry I'll stop now. Anyways I wanted to tell you that I'm going away all weekend so I may not be able to update. I'll try my best though💖💖💖~Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now