You did What!?

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"Aaaaaand done!"

You say dramatically as you click the turn in button on the essay you had just finished writing. It was a Friday night, you had all your homework done, and you felt unstoppable. The only problem was deciding what to do now. At some apoint you ended up laying on your bed just chilling out and singing along to your favorite songs. That is until the sound of your bedroom door opening distracts you.

"Hey Jacob!"

You say excitedly, sitting up as you pull out one of your earbuds. He smiles but doesn't say anything, just sits next to you. He didn't make eye contact either. You rest your hand on his shoulder to get him to look at you. It was then that you realized: he was crying.


You say softly.

"There's something I have to tell you"

He says without meeting your eyes. You pull out your second earbud, now giving him your full attention. Whatever was about to happen, you didn't like it.

"I love you, so f*cking much-"

"Are you breaking up with me!"

You exclaim.

"God, no"

He answers, taking both of your hands in his.

"Last week, you told me we shouldn't have gone to that party but I went anyway"

You chuckle.

"Jacob there's no need to cry for that you can live your own life, I'm just antisocial"

He shakes his head as if you weren't getting something.

"No really I don't mind if you go to a party without me, I know you would never-"

"I did something...with someone"

He finally says.

"...what did you do"

You ask making sure you heard that correctly, part of you wishing that wasn't what he said.

"I cheated...I didn't mean to Y/n it just happened, but I don't want anyone else"

You pull your hands away from him, not knowing any other way to show him how hurt you were.

"What does she have that I don't"

You finally say, staring down at the blue socks on your feet.


He says, looking at you even though he knew you wouldn't look back.

"I'm so sorry princess, I want you to know she didn't mean anything to me"

"Sure she didn't"

You say skeptically getting up.

"What could possibly possess you to even think about anyone else like that, am I not enough for you!"

You exclaim, now standing in front of him.

"Your everything to me Y/n, I never wanted to hurt you like that!"

"But you did Jacob!

You shout, now in tears. After everything you've heard about going back to a cheater, you didn't know wether to forgive him or not. Yeah he isn't that type of guy, for now.

"Babygirl your the only one I want, you of all people know I'm not that type of guy"

You meet his eyes for the first time in a while, the tears in his only making you more upset. 

"You never said you were drunk, how is it that you cheated on me while you were sober"

He doesn't answer.

"You don't even f*cking know"

You sniffle.

"How could you just give your body to someone else like that...did you even think about me"

"Princess I-"

"Can you go"

He sighs and you hear him get up and walk away. You never expected him to do something like that, but what hurt you the most was that he wasn't even drunk. How could he be sorry when he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Baby I-"

"Don't call me that"

You say harshly without turning around. He sighs and you finally hear him close your door. This hurt more than any other situation you two had ever been brought, and he fact that if you were there it wouldn't have happened made you even more upset. You plug your earbuds in, this time switching to a more depressing playlist as you go back to your bed.

So I just got back from summer band (at school) and I had to see all the people I dislike before the school year even starts back. And it's not even that I hate anyone, just certain peoples attitudes annoy me. The point is I survived...barely 🙄🙄🙄~Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now