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Now that I'm back in school, all of my school themed chapters make sense...don't they?

You sigh putting your last binder into your backpack and zipping it up to go home. Your last class had really aggravated you because no matter what you did, you just couldn't seem to understand what was happening. You look at yourself in your locker mirror and happen to notice Jacob walking toward you from farther back in the reflection.

"Hey beautiful"

He smiles wrapping his arms around your waist while placing a kiss on your neck.

"Jacob, hi"

You smile glancing down at his hands before looking up at him in the reflection.

"Are we still on for later? I was thinking we could do something chill, I don't know get ice cream?"

"...about that"

You say quietly turning to face him while his arms are still around you. His expression drops slightly.

"Don't tell me your busy again"

"I have a prior engagement, I'm sorry"

Jacob flashes you a small smile placing a kiss on your lips.

"It's ok, I just miss seeing you all the time"

You nod.

"I won't be busy this weekend so maybe then"

You offer closing your locker and picking up your stuff.

"I've really gotta go though"

He nods and you turn around to return his hug before walking down the hallway.

~Jacobs P.O.V.~

I wish Y/n wasn't so busy all the time. I mean I love her to death and we aren't having problems or anything, I just feel like we haven't been spending much time together. She always has a "prior engagement" that she can't get out of but she's never told me what it is. Not that I think she's cheating though, Y/n couldn't possibly be capable of that...right?

As I watch her walk out of the school doors I notice her going left. Hmmm. Why would she be going in the opposite direction of her house?


I know it's wrong to think that kind of thing about her, but I can't help but be suspicious. I mean we don't keep secrets...or we didn't used to anyways. I'm on my way to get food, cause what else do I have to do, am I right? There were way more parking spaces open so it was easy to find a- Wait is that her car? Oh my god it is. Now I want an explanation.

~your P.O.V~

"Oh come on Brandon it's not that difficult, you just have to find x to solve the equation"

"I already found x, and it's still wrong"

"I thought food helped you concentrate"

"Well it doesn't seem to be helping me now"

He says in a matter-of-fact tone. The little bell on the door rings, meaning that someone entered the restaurant, but neither of you looked up to see who it was.

"Didn't I already explain this to you"

You roll your eyes.

"Yeah but it still doesn't make sense"

"Look Brandon all you have to do is-"


You hear an all too familiar voice interrupt your next sentence. You head shoots up instantly, hoping the voice you heard wasn't the person it went with.


He looks from you to Brandon, clearly showing the disappointment on his face as he walks away. You sigh chasing after him through the parking lot.

"Jacob don't!"

"Don't what!? Be mad at you for cheating, should I be mad at you for lying too?!"

"I'm not cheating on you!"

You answer and he rolls his eyes.

"I can't believe you've been blowing me off for him"

"But I'm not!"


He yells angrier as his hand slams down on the hood of his car, making you jump slightly.


His fists unclench and he turns stepping closer to you.


"I've been having trouble in my AP class, so I tutor people for extra credit"

His expression softens and he pulls you closer.

"Why didn't you just tell me that"

You sigh in frustration.

"Because it's embarrassing to be doing poorly in a class you signed up for!"

Jacob rolls his eyes.

"Your pride will be the death of you eventually"

He chuckles.

"Besides, having trouble in a class isn't embarrassing , there are people doing way worse in school that you"

You nod and he pulls you into a hug.

"Don't hide stuff from me anymore"

"I won't"


He smiles, pecking your lips.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now