Part 45 part 2

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Also known as part 46

Never would you expect one of Silas's friends to be so nice, but in your time hanging out with Jacob you learned he was the complete opposite of what he seemed. He so happened to be on your mind a lot more often since then. As you were passing the weight room, you took a peek through the window and happen to see him lifting weights shirtless. Aaron noticed you and waves. You wave back, and then see him hit Jacob on the shoulder and point to the door. Jacob puts down the weights he was holding and turns in your direction.

Crap crap crap crap

Your attempt to speedwalk away is brutally foiled by the room door opening.


You turn around slowly and awkwardly.

"Hi Jacob"

"So your just gonna stare and not come say hi"


"Chill sophomore, I'm just messing with you"

He smiles, putting on a shirt before leaning against the wall as you strike up a basic conversation.

"So a little birdie told me you had fun on our date last week"

"Aaron can't f*cking keep his mouth shut oh my god!"

He chuckles.

"Good to know, I was thinking of asking you out again"

"Ask away"

You giggle. Yeah you had been on more than one date with him, but each time was always amazing. Your eyes leave his for a split second, as you see Silas and some of the other popular boys heading out of the weight room and in your direction. Jacob gives you that "Ignore them" look, so you do as he tells you about the plans he had for both of you on the weekend.

"So I was thinking you could come over on Friday if your not busy and watch a movie or something"

"Yeah sur-"

"Hey Sartorius"

Silas interrupts your conversation giving him that generic boy handshake.


Jacob answers not really that interested.


Silas says, obviously talking to you.

"I'm not a-"

Silas cuts you off again.

"Look, Chase is having this huge party at his house Friday night, I'm talking whole school huge. His older brothers bringing drinks too, are you in"

Jacob shoots you a look before sending one back to Silas.

"Come on Jacob"

Silas lowers his voice to something like a whisper but you still heard what he said.

"You know how many girls you could talk to right, especially upper classmen...why wouldn't you-"

This time it was Jacobs turn to do the interrupting.

"Thanks but I'm already talking to someone"

He says giving you a small smile.

"And we have a date on Friday so no"

Jacob takes your hand as he starts walking away.

"See you around"

He says as the two of you walk out the doors and he leads you to his car.

"Why'd you do that"

You ask as he pulls out his car keys. Jacob cups your face in his hands.

"Because no @$$hole is worth loosing you over"

He leans down gently and places a soft kiss on your lips. You return it, still slightly in shock.

"Why'd you do that"

You ask lovestruck, the blush probably evident on your cheeks.

"Because I like you, and I want you to be my girlfriend"

"But your friends-"

"Forget them, it's just you and me"

"God Y/n say yes already!"

You turn around to see Aaron sitting in the drivers seat of his Jeep watching what was going on.

"How are you even here!"

"I'm everywhere now f*cking say yes to the man already"

Jacob gives you a hopeful look.


You finally answer.


He asks.


You smile. He picks you up and spins you around, making you laugh as he puts you back down.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to ask that"

He smiles wider, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. Your moment was unfortunately ruined by a certain best friend of yours.

"Keep it PG kiddos"

He yells out the car window, making you laugh.

"I gotta go"

"I'll see you tomorrow"

He says, placing one last peck on your lips before watching you get into the passenger seat of Aaron's Jeep. You wave as Aaron pulls away.

"Your welcome"

He says.

"For what"

You question.

"Well, I'd like to take partial responsibility for getting the two of you together-"

"Oh shut up"

You say, as the two of you continue to insult each other on the way home.

Here's the update you all so deeply requested. And for those of you who kept asking, I was busy doing something known as celebrating my birthday which only comes once a year. So yeah. I had plans for once in my life. 🎉🎉🎉~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now