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You groan as Jacob takes another picture of you and starts laughing hysterically at the grumpy face you were making.

"Jacob shut the hell up before I climb out this hospital bed and beat your @$$"

"Sure... if your arm can manage to"

He teases, wiping imaginary tears from his eyes as he doubles over with laughter. You roll your eyes looking down at the cast your right arm was wrapped in. Jacob has taken it upon himself to autograph your cast because he insisted that a "celebrity" signature would make you feel better.

You were only in this situation because of him in the first place, hence why you were so annoyed.

~It all started yesterday afternoon~

You and Jacob had a date planned and were supposed to be spending some alone time together because he was always busy, but Joey and Payton hit him up to see if he wanted to go skateboarding with some other influencers. Of course Jacobs manager said this was a good networking opportunity for content, and that he should go. He didn't want to at first, but he couldn't get out of it so he demanded you come with him.  His manager allowed and soon the two of you were off.


"Aaay Jacob...and friend?"

Payton questioned while hitting Jacob with their handshake. Jacob chuckled and said hi back.

"I forgot you two have never met"

He says pulling you closer to him by the waist.

"This is my girlfriend Y/n...Y/n this is Payton, we met on tour"

You exchange formalities and say hi to everyone else, most of whom you already knew.

~Flashback Over~

Now I bet you think you know how this happened. "You broke your arm skateboarding"... NOPE. To make a long story short, Hunter offered to drive you and Jacob home, and while trying to be a gentleman, Jacob accidentally slammed the car door on your hand causing your wrist to fracture...but wait, there's more. Hunter was still in the car and didn't notice what happened, so when he started driving away it slightly dislocated your shoulder. Now here you were injured in the hospital. Also just pointing out that during this Jacob was panicking and was no help whatsoever.

"I swear to god Jacob-"

You snap as he walks over and sits next to you on your bed.

"I'm so sorry Y/n I really didn't mean to hurt you"

"I know"

You sigh.

"But you're still a stupid idiot and I'm not going anywhere near you and your friends ever again"

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now