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"This is the dumbest sh*t I've ever seen in my life!"

You express angrily to your best friends Mark and Luna.

"We've talked about it Y/n that's just how it is"

Mark justifies.

"But how it is, is really dam stupid!"


Luna adds making both of you laugh. Once again the three of you were discussing the stupid system in your school. Your town is small and everyone knows everyone, but not everyone likes everyone. There are three groups. The "fortunate" kids, The in-between kids, and the downtown kids. Your school has this dumb hierarchy where the three groups never mix, because when they do it's always trouble, especially when the "privileged" kids and the "downtown" kids mix. Your friends Luna and Mark just happen to be from the downtown area, but they're two of the nicest people you've ever met. The only problem is that your from a world completely different from theirs.

"So what are we doing on Friday"

You ask watching Mark struggle to open his locker.

"WE, aren't doing anything together or all three of us are gonna get jumped"

Luna answers expressing that YOU couldn't be involved.


"You have your own friends Y/n, wouldn't you rather hang out with them"

Mark asks still struggling to get the lock open.

"No Mark I hate them! All they talk about is hair, and makeup, and other stupid sh*t that I don't give two f*cks about!"

"Well well well, looks like rich kids do have potty mouths"

You turn to see Jacob and his "gang", the lead "bad boys" of the downtown side. Even your friends crush on them.

"Shouldn't you be driving to the Gucci Store in your dads lambo right about now"

He teases making his friends laugh. You roll your eyes as Mark still continues to struggle with his lock.

"That's it"

You shove him out the way and pull a bobby pin out of your hair before delicately placing it in the lock and jiggling it until you heard a click. You lift the handle and's unlocked. Everyone stares in shock.

"Since when can you pick locks"
Jacob asks seeming surprised for the first time you've seen.

"Your not the only one with skills"

You snap back as Mark grabs his stuff.

"So you couldn't have done that like 10 minutes ago"

Mark asks pretending to be annoyed as you and him start walking off to physics.

You were at your locker packing your backpack.

"Did you put your tiara in there too"

A familiar voice teases from behind you. You sigh and turn around.

"What do you want Jacob"


He answers leaning against your locker in an attempt to intimidate you, which was clearly working.

"I want you"


"Don't play dumb with me princess there more to you than you let on"

"I'm sorry Jacob but I can't-"

You had started walking away when you felt a pullback on your arm.

"I'm Jacob Sartorius...I get what I want"

He whispers the second part.

"You don't even like me Jacob, you make fun of me all the time"

"Kinda hard not to make fun of you"


You find yourself laughing a little which makes him laugh as well. Jacob gives you a deep stare possible to pierce your soul.

"Why are we supposed to hate each other"

"I don't hate you guys"

"I known you don't...but your other rich friends do"

You roll your eyes.

"I'm not rich Jacob, I'm not even close to the richest person in this school"


"Maybe but that doesn't make me a bad person"

You explain passionately.

"I never said it did"

He responds taking a breath before continuing.

"Being from downtown doesn't make me a bad person either"

"I know"

You answer listening intently to the passion in his voice

"Why does where I'm from determine the kind of person I am"

"I doesn't have least I don't think so"

You say subconsciously resting your hand on his cheek. There was a silence before you realize what you just did. You go to pull it away but he holds your hand in place pulling your chin closer to his. You both lean in seconds from kissing when-


You both quickly pull away to see something that was about to result in a huge problem. His group on one side of the hallway, your group on another.


You couldn't finish your sentence watching as your friends stare at you with hatred in their eyes.

"Your so lucky I was here to save you from making the biggest mistake of your life"

Your "friend" Loren accuses.

"You should even be touching a downtowner not to mention kissing him"

Charles adds.

"What's that supposed to mean"

Mark yells angrily as both your groups start shouting matches in the hallway. You slowly start slipping out of his grip.

"Y/n don't"

He tries holding you tighter as you pull away from him more.


You slip your arm out of his and start backing down the hallway.


He yells as you run out the door not wanting to know what would happen next.

What did you guys think??? Also does anyone actually use the music I put in the media bar because it goes so well with the story like I just 🤯🤯🤯~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now