Spring Fling

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It turns out people like sad endings too, which is something I don't write all that often. Im gonna try to write more sad ones so enjoy yourselves. This one is like part happy part sad in a way so just letting you know.

"So who are you asking to the Spring Fling"

Loren asks as you walk down the hallway at school. Yes it was that time of year again. That dreaded moment where the girls have to ask the boys instead of how boys usually ask girls.

"I'm not even going"

You say as you filter into your classroom. Charles, who was already sitting, must have heard you because he joined in the conversation.

"What do you mean your not going, everyone goes"

"Well not me"

You roll your eyes.

"I'm gonna Spring Fling myself into bed is what I'm gonna do"

He starts laughing just as Jacob dramatically slides into the desk next to you. You groan jokingly.

"Oh hey Y/n didn't see you there"

He says making you giggle.

"What do you want Jacob"

"Oh nothing, I'm just waiting patiently for you to ask me to the dance"

You slap your hand to your forehead.

"I'm not even going so I guess you'll be waiting for that invitation for a while"

"Wait why not"

"Because I do-"

Before you could finish your sentence, the bell for the beginning of class rang and your teacher started the lesson.


Later that day you were making your way into the cafeteria when you saw about 3 or 4 girls crowding around someone at the popular table. Ew. As you were walking by you overheard something interesting.

"Sorry ladies, but I'm waiting for SOMEONE to ask me"

Jacob yells "someone" when he notices you walk past. You chuckle and continue on your way.



Jacob exclaims as he props himself against his locker.

"Bruh, I already told you I'm not go-"

"Yeah yeah your not going I know, except what if you did go and you asked me to go with you"

You slap your hand to your forehead.

"I'm sorry Jacob, but I'm really not going"

You say closing your locker as you walk down the hall.

"Fine, then can you at least tell me why"

He follows you to ask.

"I would rather not"

You answer truthfully as you take your seat in class.


As you were walking out of school that day Jacob was still on your mind. It's not that you didn't want to go with him, but how could you explain that you would be babysitting your siblings that night and not to mention dances aren't really your thing. It would be easy to explain, but when your awkward not really.

You notice a group of students around two people, probably someone asking someone to the dance. Still it drew your attention and you walked over. Your jaw drops.

"Of course I'll go with you"

Jacob says to the pretty cheerleader who just asked him. All her friends were going "aww" and people were clapping and whatnot. You felt a pang of hurt in your chest.

"He moves on fast."

You think to yourself as you sulk all the way home. But then again you missed your chance, so you can't be too upset. It's gonna be a long weekend.


Monday morning for you was just like any other. You chilled in your classes and went through the day as usual.

"So you really didn't come through at the dance last weekend"

You hear Jacobs voice say as he caught up to you in the hallway.

"I told you I wasn't going Sartorius...not like you needed me to anyway"

You say the last part under your breath. He grabs you by the shoulders and turns you to face him, stopping you from walking away.

"I only went with her because you didn't go, and you act like your not interested so what am I supposed to do"

"I do not!"

"You won't even tell me why you couldn't go"

You sigh.

"I had to babysit my siblings so tha-"

He cuts you off.

"That's an excuse everyone uses to get out of going-"

This time it was your turn to do the interrupting.

"So my dad could drive out of state to take my mom to a doctor"

You finish. His expression softens.

"If I've been acting like I'm not interested it's because I've got a lot on my mind, when you thought I didn't wanna talk to you I was just thinking about her test results"

"Why wouldn't you tell me that"

You meet his eyes.

"Because as shown by 30 seconds ago, even if I did you wouldn't have believed it"

You say with more of an attitude than intended as you walk away.

"Oh come on Y/n you know that's not true I just-"

"Clearly don't know me well at all"

You say turning around to face him again.

"Because if you did you would know that I don't ignore people...ever"

You sigh.

"I've known you since middle school and you think I don't pick things up, the only reason I've been bugging you so much is because I know somethings wrong...I just wanted you to tell me"

He says looking hurt.

"I always thought you would trust me with that kind of thing"

You look away taking both of his hands.

"I do trust you Jacob, I just didn't want you to think it was stupid"

"Is that how shallow you think I am! Maybe I hang out with popular people, but I'm not like them and you of all people should know that"

"I'm sorry"

You say quietly. He lifts your chin.

"No I'm sorry...I'm sorry you don't trust me enough to be honest about your life"

He says sounding upset as he drops your hands.

"Clearly were not as close as I thought we were getting"

Jacob snaps, the attitude present in his voice as he walks away. You sigh heavily and attempt to blink back the tears you felt slowly forming. It shouldn't even be making you that upset, he should understand...right?

As you walk to class that it was all you could think about.

~Later That Day~

As you were leaving school you passed Jacob talking to someone. You look up hoping he would look back, but when he makes eye contact he frowns and looks away. You sigh as you go your own way home.

But at least for now...I gotta go my own way. High School Musical? Anyone 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now