No Reflection

768 26 27

This might be weird, bare with me.

"Y/n would you mind running to the convience store for some garlic powder, I'm all out"

Your mom asks as you sit lazily at the kitchen island scrolling through hopeless romantic Instagram posts.

"But it's night"

You respond.

"It's not night, it's just 6:00 in the winter"


You groan dragging yourself to get your jacket before coming back downstairs to get the money.


You yell.

"Be safe hun"

Your mom responds as you close the front door. You no joke lived down the street from one of your many local convenience stores, guess that's why it's called convenient. You chuckle at that thought as you go inside and buy what your mom needed, along with a Kit Kat because why tf not. On your walk home, you noticed how eerily quiet it was. Not a single car had passed you, no one was in the store, and the street lamps were the only source of light. As you continue making your way up the street, you could swear you heard footsteps behind you. You turn to see nothing, and decide to shrug it off. At one point, the second you walked past a streetlight it turned off by itself.

Oh my actual goodness, is this the beginning of a real life horror movie

You think to yourself hearing the footsteps behind you again. You stop and fully turn around. Once again no one. You turn back around to be greeted by a boy, making you jump out of your skin.

He looks a bit strange, perfect sparkling hair, very well dressed, pale...too pale.

"Well that's a little disrespectful, not everyone can go out in the sun and lounge around whenever they want"

When he opened his mouth, you saw his Impeccably white, straight teeth, and the two unmistakable fangs that went with it.

He lifts your chin, and you were now staring into his Deep almost red eyes, looking as if they had both everything, and nothing in them. He's cold...way too cold.

"I appreciate the complementing but you could at least do it out loud"

He speaks again, in a sinister voice. It was then that you realized you were letting a creepy but incredibly hot stranger touch you.

"You think I'm hot"

He smirks.

"I never said that"

You snap back attempting to snatch your chin away from him. His grip was almost solid. 

"You were thinking it doll, I know you were"

"And you are..."

"I'm Jacob, I'm here to make friends"

"Following people on the street isn't a good way to make friends, especially in that ridiculous getup"

"Your a feisty one, I bet your blood tastes good"

He smirks in the creepiest way. 

"At least as good as it smells"

"What the f-"

"Yeah yeah, your confused you didn't know vampires existed bla bla bla"

You give him a half confused, half scared look.

"I've been reading your thoughts, try to keep up Y/n"

"How did you know my-"

"I just explained that"

He rolls his eyes as he leads you towards your house. As this point you assumed you had died and your body was in some sort of alternate universe.

"Your not dead, I'm just hungry and your blood smells really good"

"Would you stop reading my thoughts, your invading my privacy"

Then you remembered you had garlic powered in your bag.

"Don't even think about it"

Jacob interrupts your plan. Somehow he ends up inside your house. He turned invisible and you snuck him up to your room. Now you were sitting on your bed, as he explained to you exactly what was going on.

"I'm not gonna make it home if I don't eat"

"Have you ever considered McDonald's"

He gives you a look.

"Are you gonna let me drink your blood or not"

"Wait why are you even in my house"

"Not like I haven't been here before"

Your eyes widen as he pushes you back on your pillows. He took his shirt off, revealing perfect abs and toned biceps. You had never seen anything so hot in your life.

"Your turn"

He whispers lifting your shirt over your head. He licks his lips, staring at your collarbone. Jacob leans in and presses his very soft, but cold lips against yours. Somehow you never considered the rationality of this situation as he trails his kisses slowly down your neck. You gasp at the feeling of him gently dragging the edge of his fangs down your neck. His kisses get wetter, each one more open mouthed than the last. He slips his hand into yours, almost like a warning before you feel him sink his teeth into a vein on your neck. He covers your mouth with the other hand whilst starting to suck. You could feel it gently, almost like you were slowly falling asleep. He eventually pulls his fangs out, licking up the extra blood and sighing in refreshment.

"Delicious, like I thought"

He admires the perfectly shaped bite mark he left on your neck.

"Your mine now"

He smirks. You were freaking out. You just let a hot vampire you met 30 minutes ago claim you.

"Y'know you're the hottest human girl I've ever bitten"

"How many have you bitten"

"Just you"

"Well that doesn't make me feel very special"

"It should"


"Your my first bite, so your my girlfriend now"

"Wait what"

You look at the mirror across the room, in front of your bed. It was then that you realized this stranger had no reflection.

Hello. I told you it was weird. Did anyone even like this tho???😂😂😂~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now