911 Part 5

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I just realized I put a hella dramatic song in the media bar omg. I keep forgetting which stories you want more parts of, so if there's one you want continued let me know.

"Wow we are totally outnumbered"

Jacob whispers as we peek around from the storage container to see what was going on. Chief is clearly visible from under one of the very few streetlights and he's directing more accomplices as they load crates, probably filled with fake diamonds, onto a ships cargo hold.

"We have to stop that ship before it leaves"

I say as if it wasn't already clearly obvious.

"We're detectives Y/n, not superheroes"

"It doesn't take a superhero to come up with a good plan"

I return to looking around the corner. Oh I also have night vision binoculars with me because you can't be a detective without stalking material am I right? With those I can see that Chief clearly has a ring of keys around his belt loop. I wonder what they open.

"So how are we doing this"

Jacob asks as he pulls me back from the edge of the container. Making plans on the fly is a specialty of mine, but sooooo many things could go wrong.

"We need to get Chief isolated from everyone else before taking him down, then I can take those keys from his belt and figure out what they open"

Jacob nods.

"I'll lure him over here, you get your taser ready"

I quickly sprint behind a tree that's slightly farther away from the container where Jacob is behind. Then I call him and he moves his phone more out in the open. Chief immediately snaps his head in our direction. Attention has been caught. As he walks over cautiously, I prepare to throw the switch on my taser and temporarily paralyze him. Or at least slow him down so I can take his keys. In the distance I can see a suspicious looking house. It's pretty small and I know for a fact it's uninhabited, but there are lights on in there. Then I remember something Jacob said a while ago.

All the other detectives have disappeared right under our noses

They may have disappeared, but I think I just found them. Chief walks right past the tree I'm hiding behind and stops nearby, Jacob of course being hidden by the shadow from the container. Then I make my move, quickly running within reach as I send a jolt of electricity into his side. Chief collapses on the ground eyes closed. Perfect. Jacob joins me over there and takes his phone while I grab the keys.

"Let's move, this'll get someone's attention soon enough"

I say as we sprint around to the other side, now hiding behind the fence in the yard of that house I mentioned.

"Now what"

He whispers.

"All his "henchmen" So to speak are gone, only the double agents are left"

"So your plan is to..."

His voice wanders off.

"I'm gonna try and get one of these keys to open the door, one of them has to-"

"And you want me to pretend to be a double against, infiltrate the boat, and drive it to a secure location"

"Uh no actually I was just gonna say maybe try and stop the few detectives who are left, but I like your idea much better"

I reply making us both laugh quietly.

"Good luck"

He says and I nod in reply, already on my way to the old doorway. The lock may be old, but it still works and judging by the keyhole one of these will open it. Now I just have to look for any difference in the keys. Silver...silver...silver...silver...aha bronze! Sure enough the door opens creakily, and I have to sneak inside barely opening the door to avoid any more noise. I close it behind me so no one else finds out I'm in here. Just through the window I can see Jacob give me a thumbs up before heading in the direction of the boat.

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now