Spoiled Rotten

528 15 18

Mega oof.

Uuuuuugh. School has me so stressed and occupies all my time, I'm sorry I haven't been updating constantly, but I just finished midterms recently and I have a lab report due so I've had my work cut out for me. With that being said hopefully I can get the next few drafts out soon

Also, the next chapter I update is going to be one where I sample all my drafts and you guys can tell me which ones you want to see.

"This is ridiculous"

You mumble to yourself walking into Toys-R-Us for the third time this week as your daughter Elle ran ahead with Jacob close behind. You didn't feel like running to catch up with them considering you were still holding your one year old son with you. Not to mention the fact that you weren't particularly excited to be here. You were sure if he could talk, he would be agreeing with you. He turned out more like you, quiet and reserved. Pretty well behaved for a baby about to enter his terrible twos. Your daughter on the other hand inherited your features, but that's about it. She was exactly like Jacob in just about every way. With that being said she could also be rude, impulsive, demanding, and pretty impatient. It didn't help that while you were trying to teach her right from wrong, Jacob would contradict you in front of her. She was only seven, but very smart for her age. She knew he had a soft spot for her, and she exploited the hell out of it. Which brings you to why your making a third visit to the toy store for the week. You sigh just thinking about it as you turn down the calico critter aisle.

Her birthday was on Monday, and you brought her to the store to choose her own present because she claimed you guys wouldn't be able to guess what she wanted. You obviously were not expecting her to ask for a full drum kit, keyboard, and a pink electric guitar, as well as a set of matching carry cases for them that she wanted engraved with her initials. You knew she gained Jacobs love of music, but now you were starting to think you also knew where she got her expensive taste.

Then on Wednesday she brought her report card home and claimed she deserved another gift because it was her birthday week and she was doing well in school. You were pretty sure it wasn't that hard to maintain straight A's in the first grade, but Jacob insisted that his "princess" deserved it, so back to Toys-R-Us it was.

And now here you were on Friday, watching from the end of the aisle as your daughter inspected the calico critter boxes like some sort of toy connoisseur. She had overheard you reading an article to Jacob about Toys-R-Us closing down, and decided it was important she buy some last minute toys for "memorabilia" so that she would always have a part of the store with her. You distinctly remember making a derp face at her. She was seven, what the heck did she know about collecting toys. You attempted to explain to her that she ALREDY has PLENTY of memories lying around the house that she could play with instead of asking for something else, but Jacob was already on his way out the door, your daughter skipping behind him.

"It's very important that I pick the right one"

She says, and you sigh adjusting your sons position in your arms as you walk over to Jacob.

"J don't you think this is overdoing it, I mean we just bought her half a studio and I don't see her using it"

He shrugs and kisses your cheek.

"Don't worry about it, it's not like we don't have the money. Besides, look at how happy she is"

He nods in the direction of your daughter currently talking to another little girl in the aisle. The little girl was holding a box in her hand as she talked to your daughter. You smile but quickly turn your attention back to Jacob.

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now