Spring Fling Part 2

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A lot of people wanted this to happen so it's happening. Your welcome.


Your mom calls from downstairs. Instead of starting a screaming match with her you decide to go down there and talk to her face to face.

"Yes mother"

You say in a joke tone. She laughs and pats the spot next to her on the couch for you to sit.

"Y'know this is the second week of your summer vacation and I haven't seen you leave the house once"

"That's not true"

Ok it is true, since the school year ended you didn't have anyone to hang out with. Things with Jacob were still a mess, most of your friends go to sports training in the summer, and you obviously can't hang out with siblings you don't have.

I'm an only child irl and it's so boring 🙄

"Okay maybe it is true, but I have no one to hang out with"

"What about Jacob, you used to talk about him all the time"

You sigh.

"That bad huh"

"Worse...he hates me now"

"I'm sure he doesn't Y/n, you should go talk to him"

"I can't...I can barely even text him"

Your mom rolls her eyes.

"Honey go talk to him, maybe seeing him in person will change his mi-"

She starts coughing mid sentence.


"I'm fine, I should probably get some rest"

She gives you a weak smile before walking off.

Maybe I should take her advice

You think to yourself. As you go upstairs and change into a decent outfit.


Ding Dong

You only rang the doorbell once, and already footsteps were approaching. Seconds later it opens to reveal Jacob shirtless. He gives you a look of disapproval.


"I came to apologi-"

"I don't want your apology, you can go now"

He says sharply as he started closing the door. For some reason this made you angry. Before it closes completely you stick your foot in the way prying it back open.

"Y'know I'm sick and tired of you acting like a prick Jacob! I tried to make things better with you but your stubborn as hell! You don't understand what I'm going through right now so you have NO RIGHT to be mad at me for something that wasn't even my fault! I'm sorry I didn't want to talk about something personal, but it doesn't mean I don't trust you! If anything I should be the one upset about everyone who's forgotten me over the summer, and h-how the only person I could still talk to is being a c-complete @$$hole!!!"

Your voice breaks as you finish, your anger bringing tears you tried to blink back. He doesn't say anything, but his expression softens.

"Now I'll go"

You say quietly as you turn around.


Jacob finally says just loud enough for you to hear. You stop without turning around.

"Your 100% right, I've been a dick to you and you don't deserve that. Yeah it did hurt that you wouldn't talk to me but it didn't require abandoning our friendship. I'm so sorry"

The sound of him closing the door from behind you fills your ears, followed by his footsteps in the driveway.

"Can you turn around now"

He asks, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. You sigh and slowly turn, avoiding eye contact so he wouldn't see your tears. His hand drops to your waist and he pulls you closer.

"Y/n I didn't mean to make you cry"

He says as worry flashes over his expression. He uses his other hand to dry your eyes.

"I-it's not just you"

You huff, breathing inconsistently as you tried to talk and hold back tears at the same time.

"I've been t-trying to put on a brave face, but my life is falling apart and n-no one cares"

Me in school lmao bye 😂😂

"People care Y/n...I care"

"No you don't! I know you don't!"

He lifts your chin, crashing his lips onto yours in a moment of passion.

50 Shades of Grey who? We got 50 Shades of Sartorius. Bruh let me stop

"Yes I f*cking do, yeah I was mad for no reason but even when we fight I still think about how your doing"

He dries the remaining tears on your face.

"I'll always be there for you no matter what...I don't wanna fight with you like this again"

"Me neither"

You finally say, dumbstruck by the fact that your long time crush just kissed you.

"You mean so much to me, don't ever think I don't care"

He says reassuringly as he walks you back inside.



You say quietly, your voice shaking lightly as you look at him sitting next to you on the couch.

"Yeah dollface"


You blush lightly at the nickname.

"Umm...about earlier"

"I meant everything I said, you don't deserve that"

"But you...you"

"I what"

He smirks. He already knew what you were talking about, he just wanted to hear you say it.

"The kiss-"

"Was something I've been meaning to do for a while"

He smiles.

"And I'm glad I did"

You smile looking down at your fingers.


You look back up at him.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow"

You shake your head no.

"Well now you are...that is if you want to"

"Of course"

You say happily.

"Cool, it's a date"

You smile to yourself directing your attention back to the tv. From the corner of your eye you notice Jacob look at you and then at your hand before moving his a little closer. You move over and feel his fingers intertwine with yours.


You say without looking away from the screen.


He answers back.

"I missed you"

He smiles and places a kiss on your hand

"I missed you too beautiful"

Wow this was a flop. Sometimes when people request another part of something it's bad because I didn't plan to write another part, so I never thought about what would happen next. But anyway I'm about to put the new chapters back in alphabetical order so if your looking for them that's where they are 🤑🤑🤑~ Bianca

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