In For It

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Your friend Tyler practically yells down the hallway, earning the reaction of people clapping and cheering.

"Guess they were fans"

You two laugh as you close your locker and start walking to class.

"Can you help me practice for my Spanish test"

Tyler asks.

"If you practice too much your gonna forget everything"

"No me importa"
I don't care

He answers back.

"tu tan ignorante"
Your so ignorant

You roll your eyes as you see the rest of your friend group in the hallway.

"Hola amigos"
Hi friends

You and Tyler say in unison as you join the group. Ariel, Loren, Luna, Charles, Joey, and your crush Jacob.

"Helping Tyler practice Spanish again"
Luna laughs and you nod.

"His Spanish sounds pretty ok to me"

You comment.

"Easy for you to say, you speak Spanish"
Tyler adds, making everyone laugh.

"Hey I can still judge you"

"True true, I guess that's why you and Joey are the only ones who don't have Spanish 1"

"We have Spanish 2 though, believe me it's worse, last night for homework we had to write a summary of yesterday in Spanish"

"Read it"

"Oh god"

You open your backpack and pull it out.

"Ayer por la mañana me levanté tarde, así que me presenté a la escuela como un desastre"
Yesterday morning I woke up late, so I showed up to school looking like a mess

"I'm gonna stop you right there"

Joey interrupts.

"Are you aware that you show up to school looking like a mess every day"

"Hijole la chingada"
Son f*ck you

Joeys jaw drops


You gasp dramatically.

"This argument is getting serious"

Tyler laughs.

"I didn't even catch half the stuff they said"

Loren laughs. The early bell rings leaving you four minutes to get to class.


You and Joey say in unison waving goodbye to your friends. Joey threw his arm around your shoulder as you were walking to class, and all your friends saw.

"Did I just see what I think I just saw"

Ariel asks.

"You did but it's not what you think"

Charles answers.

"They're just really close friends, besides they both like other people"


Luna asks nosily.

"Well Y/n likes Jacob and Joey likes you...wait"

Charles gasps when he realizes what he just did and everyone starts laughing. Jacob watched you walk down the hallway, admiring the way your butt looked when you walked.



"Come on were gonna be late"

Luna scolds as they make their separate ways to class.


When school ended, you were at your locker getting your stuff. Then you remembered you put a water bottle on the top shelf of your locker and you were kinda thirst.

Oh shoot, that shelf is way too high for did I even I get it up there?

You think to yourself as you stand on your tiptoes and attempt to reach it. Before you knew what was happening, a taller figure reaches over you, wrapping an arm around your waist as they pressed their groin into you from behind. You gasp at the feeling.

"Lemme get that for you"

Jacobs smooth, deep voice whispers on your neck as he reaches your water with ease. He places it in your hands before leaving a kiss on your neck.

"I like you too"

He whispers before walking away like he didn't just sexually frustrate you in the middle of a hallway.

I'm in for it now

This was probably crappy but I figured why not. Tell me why half the songs I listen to are from fan edits 😂😂😂~ Bianca (p.s. lowkey over here rewatching this cute video of Joey Birlem speaking Spanish. Completely irrelevant comment but I feel like if I had a YouTube channel it would be popular. I'm pretty funny right...right...ri- 😪)

He's so cute I can't. Yesterday I had the weirdest dream and all these internet celebrities were in it. Like this is how you know I spend too much time stalking hot boys. I should really be resting up for a "fun filled" day of learning because for me school starts tomorrow. I'm probably making you all depressed. I'm sorry. I'll stop now. You should read this though. If you survived my weirdness comment a 🍑. Ok I promise I'm going now, bye y'all! *tips cowgirl hat and rides off into sunset on majestic stallion*. 😤😤😤~ Also Bianca

Watch this whole paragraph be longer than the actual imagines. I need more friends. Ok bye for real this time 🤧🤧🤧~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now