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Unlike the average day in school, today wasn't all that bad. You were pretty pleased with the score you had earned on your chemistry test, and were now on your way to algebra. That class was your downfall. Not because you were bad at math, but because you were always too distracted to pay attention.

"Of course I can tutor you, what time"

Jacobs voice says to someone. Perfect example of why you weren't paying attention. Although it wasn't your place, you decided to turn around so it would become your business.

"8:30, it's a date"

A girl who unfortunately isn't you says to Jacob as she wraps her arms around him. You mentally gag and turn around in your desk. She has no right to be touching your crush like that, who does she think she is. You sigh to yourself. None of this would have ever happened if Jacob wasn't friends with your brother. You would have been living your life unbothered, but instead you have to live with the fact that Jacob might have a girlfriend and it's not going to be you. On your walk home it was all you could think about, only causing you to get more and more upset. You practically drown yourself in homework as a distraction.

"Hey Y/n I'm having people over"

Blake sticks his head in the doorway, but with your earbuds in you couldn't understand anything. You nod although you had no idea what he said. Right as he leaves...


You check your phone to see a text from Ariel:

Ariel: Hey girl, I heard about Jacob

You: I don't wanna talk about it

Ariel: So I guess we're not doing anything fun later

You: no, now leave me alone

Ariel: I'm coming over to make you feel better

You: please don't

Ariel: Nah I'm totally coming over

You groan, turning your phone back off and returning to the Netflix binge you were having. Sometime during that you had managed to take a carton of ice cream up to your room in an attempt to eat your feelings.



The doorbell rings and you groan.

I told her not to come over

You make your way downstairs to go tell her to leave, although the M&M shorts you were wearing that totally did not match the socks you had on kind of spoke for themselves. You didn't even bother to put down the ice cream as you walked to the front door, partially turned as you opened it.

"Seriously Ariel I'm already trying to get over the fact that Jacob will never love me and I don't need you to-"

You cut your sentence off when you turn around and look at who was at the door.

"...Be here"

Your jaw drops and realization sets in as you stare at Jacob and he stares back. You turn abruptly and make a beeline for your room, slamming the door behind you and putting the now empty ice cream down. Now not only would you never have Jacob, but you completely embarrassed yourself in front of him. You feel your breath getting heavy as you paced back and forth. He would probably tell his friends about the weird girl who's crushing on him, and knowing how quickly news spreads in your school that wouldn't end well.

Calm down Y/n, you did the smart thing and ran away

You think to yourself as you splash water on your face making it just a little more presentable. You take your hair out of the messy bun it was in. You didn't have plans of leaving your room, but considering your a human who needs food and your crush is in your house, there was reason to fix it a little.

"What the heck is going on in here?"

Blake asks, opening your door and catching you in the middle of pacing dramatically.


He sighs.

"Go talk to him"

You give him a look.

"As if I don't know who your talking about, he's downstairs so go"

You swallow hard as you find your feet carrying you down the stairs. Were you really doing this, I mean what else did you have to loose. You pass the living room thinking he's in the kitchen, but you don't see him there either. Assuming the worst, your about to head back upstairs when a gentle tap to the shoulder snaps you out of it.

You turn slowly and freeze when you see it's him. You could already feel the humiliation coming.

"Who says I don't love you"

"Y-you don't even know me"

"I know more than you think Y/n"

You felt a light blush creeping onto your cheeks having never heard him call you by name.

"Sure you do, we've never even had a conversation"

"Then what do you call this"


He chuckles and so do you.

"You wanna explain what you were rambling about earlier"

"You weren't supposed to hear that"

You murmur embarrassed as you look down.

"I figured, but since I did you might as well finish"

You sigh hoisting yourself up to sit on the counter as he stood in front of you. He nods for you to speak and you look down, swinging your feet nervously as you spoke.

"I-I don't know, I just overheard you and Maddie earlier and she said it was a date..."

You trail off, too embarrassed to continue.

"It's not, that spot is reserved for someone else"

"Who, someone gorgeous I be-"

He cuts you off placing a soft kiss on your lips which you return after getting over the initial shock. 

"You, and believe me your gorgeous"

See here's the thing: do you ever get a really good idea for a draft, start writing it, and then after you write it think it wasn't that good of an idea? I have a bunch of those lying around but now I feel like their not good ideas and I don't want to post them 🤦🏽‍♀️~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now