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Warning! There will be made up family members in this, do not be alarmed.

Bring bring! Bring bring! Bring BRING BRING BRING BRING!!!

You were woken up from the peace off your nap by your phone ringing aggressively.


You answer groggily.

"Quick Y/n I need your help, she's crying again and I don't know what to do!"

The disgruntled voice of your best friend Joey comes through the phone.

"Have you tried feeding her"

"She's not hungry!"

"Giving her a nap"

"She won't even stop crying how am I supposed to get her to sleep!"

"Calm down Birlem, I'll be over in 10"

You hang up chuckling to yourself as you freshen up and throw on a Nike sweatshirt and some leggings. You grab your phone and put on some Ugg slippers before walking around the corner to his house. When you arrived, the door opened before you could even knock.

"Y/n thank god!"

Joey pulls you into his living room and you see his crying sister sitting on the floor in her baby playpen.

"Hi baby"

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"Hi baby"

You smile picking her up.

"Hey doll"

You look up to see his older brother Jacob sitting on the couch smirking at you. You roll your eyes.

"I wasn't talking to you douchebag"

You hold her against your chest and rock her gently for a few seconds. Almost instantly she settles down and lays her head on your chest.

"God Y/n your a lifesaver"

You chuckle.

"Your such a flop Joey"

He gives you and his sister a hug.

"So can I go hang with-"

"Yeah sure"

"Your literally the best friend ever"

He hits you with your handshake.

"Later guys, bye Addison"

He says the last part in a baby voice before leaving.

"So why are you here"

You ask Jacob as you go sit next to him on the couch. 

"I live here"

He chuckles tickling her little feet. You thought about how this was kinda awkward since there were rumors Jacob liked you. And by rumors you meant Joey kept teasing you about it. But you had to admit he was pretty good looking himself.



"I said she likes you"

"I guess so"

You smile down at her to see that she was chewing on her finger. You ended up having a whole conversation, but you were still tired from your nap earlier. You yawn accidentally while he was talking about basketball.

"Am I boring you"

"Oh no I'm sorry, I'm just tired"

He stretches out on the couch and takes Addison from you.

"Lay down"

"No I *yawns* can't"

He pulls you closer, his body heat making you even more tired as you feel your eyes getting heavy.

The three of you were half asleep, while Finding Dory was playing in the background

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The three of you were half asleep, while Finding Dory was playing in the background. The next time you opened your eyes was to the sound of a door opening and lights turning on. Jacob moves, waking you slightly.

"See I told you it would work"

You heard Charles say.

"Ssh this is actually kind of adorable"

Loren whispers taking a picture. Unfortunately her dumb self forgot to turn the flash off, and within seconds all three of you were up.

"So are you dating now"

Joey asks barely giving you a chance to revive.

"I don't know are we"

Jacob asks rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn't holding a baby.


You answer completely unaware of what was going on, considering you were half asleep. Your friends start cheering and high fiving, so now you were fully awake. You yawn, unintentionally cuddling into Jacobs chest. He rests his head against yours, handing you Addison who was now awake as well.


You heard Loren say.

"So were dating now"

Jacob whispers.

"Or did you just say that because you were tired"

He whispers again.

"No, I meant it"

You whisper back smiling a little.

I'm really tired right now so maybe this was inspired by my lack of sleep and love for cute babies. 😂😂😂~ Bianca

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now