Too Late Part 8

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Hey look, it rhymes
Also: isn't this song beautiful. I don't speak Korean obviously but still 😊

"Guess who's coming home to visit!"

Charles says excitedly on the phone. You smile even though he couldn't see you.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you"


He jokes back while explaining when he was returning.

"I'm sure Jacob will be happy to see you"

You felt your heartbeat pick up in pace.

"J-Jacobs coming with you?"

"Well duh, otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up"

He chuckles probably hearing the panic in your voice.

"I know what happened between you, but you need to get over it and talk to him already"

"Char you don't understand-"

He sighs.

"I'm friends with your crush, and I used to be friends with you ex...pretty sure I understand just about everything"

You had to admit, he got you there.

"Fine, but how will I even compose myself to talk to him...the last time I saw him in person I ruined our friendship"

"I guarantee you he's not mad anymore. Besides Joey relentlessly explaining what actually happened, I think he genuinely wants to see you"

"Sure he does"

You say sarcastically.

"Just wait and see"

Charles responds, and you continue your conversation for a few more minutes before hanging up.


Over the weekend you were determined to finish the homework you had been given early, and you worked nonstop until everything was completed. It was evening by the time you finished, but at least now you would have the rest of the weekend to yourself. You decide to go downstairs and get a snack, but as your rounding the corner you walk face first into someone's body. Looking up, you meet his eyes for the first time in months.


You could barely get out, having not expected him to be here already, you didn't prepare yourself for what you would say to him. Without hesitation you did the first thing that came to mind. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him into a meaningful hug that he accepts just as fast.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to-"

"I know"

He says cutting you off as his arms slide down to your waist.

"You were going though a breakup, I should have-"

"No, it was my fault"

You interrupt.


He cups your face in his hands and leans down, meeting your lips with his to stop you.

"Just shut up and stop blaming yourself, we both messed up but I know what happened and I know you didn't mean it"

You were speechless. Not because he shut you up, but because he kissed you. Obviously you weren't expecting that.

"Wow, this plan worked out better than expected"

You look over Jacobs shoulder to see Charles walking up the stairs smirking. As he walks by he hits Jacob on the back.

"Be careful with my little sister"

He says and Jacob nods.

"Of course"

You smile to yourself as you hug your brother, Meanwhile he comments about how tall you've gotten as if he's an adult. You laugh as he walks off to his room, and your attention turns back to Jacob. Immediately the tension arose, and the awkwardness with it. You give Jacob a weird look and he scratches the back of his neck nervously, making you both burst out in laughter.

"This is kinda weird now isn't it"

You say and he nods.

"Yeah, I mean I finally have you to myself and I don't even know what to do"

You giggle but feel your cheeks flushing pink.

"Well, I was on my way to get a snack"

You say.

"And looks to me like you got one"

Jacob smirks and you look up at him laughing as well. Clearly he was referring to himself, but he wasn't entirely wrong. He trails behind you as you go downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat.


He starts, and you turn to give him your full attention, back leaning against the counter.

"I didn't realize college could make you so awkward"

You giggle and he lets out a laugh as well.

"Trust me it's not that"

"Then what?"

You question raising an eyebrow. Jacob looks from side to side before facing you again.

"Us and Charles are the only ones here right?"

You nod confusedly as he sits you on the counter standing between your legs.


You hear him breathe out before hungrily pressing his lips against yours. You smile into it, now understating the nature of his questioning.

I really wish I had the focus to publish all my drafts this week, so that when December arrives I can start posting Christmas themed ones. I alredy have one started and I know it's gonna be multiple parts, but I obviously wouldn't publish it now. The Christmas season is upon us children 🎄 ❄️☃️~ Bianca

P.S. : if you wanna get me a present, some friends would be nice

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