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Hey guys I'm trying something knew and writing the story in first person. Enjoy.

"So as you can see, not only is he a formidable opponent, but he has men on the inside. The only way to take him down is to find them"

The chief of police explains as we sit through our morning briefing. I don't even know why I'm here honestly, this isn't the kind of work I do. I'm a private investigator. People pay me to get results and I deliver them. I was hired by the LAPD to work on this case alongside their other detectives. But here's the issue...I work alone. I know what your thinking, but it's better that way. No one to double cross, sabotage, or upstage you. The only backup I need is myself.

"Ok everyone let's try to make some headway"

The chief says before the meeting disperses. I make my way back to the temporary office I've set up, and take a look at my evidence board. You might think 23 is too young to be a detective, but the second I graduated police college I got an offer from the NYPD to work on cases for them. I guess you could say that's how my hotshot reputation started. Of course as usual my thought process is interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey PI"

The Chief says as he walks into my office.

"Hello sir"

I greet.

"I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work on the case. We've got some leads we were hoping you could investigate"

"What kid of leads?"

I ask. Y'know I've noticed that whenever there's new information, the chief is always the one to give it to me. Never anyone else.

"A while ago we located a number of possible sighting addresses we were hoping you could investigate"


I answer taking the paper and reading them over.

"Weren't other agents assigned to these"

I question, noticing that I've heard them talk about these places before. The chief takes a second to answer. Almost like if he didn't know what to say.

"They've moved on to...different assignments"

Ok my detective senses are tingling, something about this doesn't completely add up.

"Anyway I've got some meetings to get to, as always let me know if you need anything"

"Yes sir"

I say as he leaves my office. Might as well get a jump on things.


I park the police cruiser about a block away from the building I'm keeping surveillance on. One of the best things about being a PI, undercover mode. I'm currently chilling in jeans and a casual shirt watching people walk by as well as the building from the outdoor seat of a corner cafe. My sunglasses also come in handy considering it's about 85 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. As I take another sip of the smoothie I had ordered so I didn't look weird, I noticed something. Another police cruiser, this one not undercover, pull up closer to the building than I was. I quickly slip out of the restaurant and cross the street unnoticed. I don't know any of the people who got out of that car. One by one they sneak in through a window, so after they've gone I watch from outside. The first thing I noticed, crates from China. This must be a drug warehouse. I was trying to analyze the scene better when I heard:


From the inside one of the guys who had snuck in, was holding someone up with a taser. I quickly ran back a little further to watch from around the corner. The I saw it. One off the criminals inside trying to make a run for it. I sprint from around the corner in an attempt to cut him off, but someone grabs him and starts arresting him.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law"

The guy says as he closes the cuffs.

"Private investigator L/n?"

He asks. I nod completely dumbfounded by this random stranger. He outstretches his hand for me to take.

"Detective Inspector Jacob Sartorius, nice to meet you"

What did y'all think. Part 2?

Jacob Sartorius One Shots {NO LONGER ACTIVE}Where stories live. Discover now