Him & I

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He's out his head
I'm out my mind
We got that love
The crazy kind
I am his
He is mine
In the end
It's him and I
——Him & I, Halsey ft. G-Eazy

June 21, 2018

Cait Callahan woke in the bedroom of her Bryant Park apartment. Her eyes fluttered open to see her fiancé still sleeping, something that was rare. Grayson was the morning person in their relationship. But she knew he'd had a restless night and she was glad to see him finally looking peaceful.

He was on his side. His brown hair was mussed and sticking up, his eyes closed, lips slightly parted. She wanted to reach out and brush his hair into place, but she didn't want to wake him. She couldn't help but admire the beautiful boy as he slept, his handsome features finally relaxed.

The last few weeks had been stressful and difficult. Her introverted boy hadn't enjoyed the constant motion and whirlwind leading up to the draft. He'd been traveling, working out and meeting with teams for more than three weeks. Making the public appearances that sometimes made him uncomfortable. Dealing with the media. And she hadn't been much help.

She had been busy finishing the last classes for her degree. She'd just arrived in New York the night before. But classes were over now. She had finals next week. And then she'd be done and she and Grayson could be together. Wherever.

The uncertainty was almost stifling. Luke had warned them both about it, about the tension it created to have no idea what the future looked like. But Cait had tried to reassure Grayson that it didn't matter where they were, only that they were together. That she would be there with him, whether it was Los Angeles, Boston or any place in between. They would make it work.

Of course, that hadn't stopped her from secretly scouring the media reports for clues and hints. She just hadn't shared any of it with him. She knew he was determined to ignore the mock drafts, repeatedly saying that the only draft that mattered was the real one. He was probably right about that and eventually, Cait had forced herself to focus on the fact that they'd be together, no matter where it was.

They'd spent too much time apart in the past fourteen months and Cait was ready for that to be finished.  They needed time together, time to just be together, to stop counting down until one of them was leaving.  Time to talk about the wedding they needed to plan.

So far, they'd settled absolutely nothing, save for the fact that Grayson refused to get married until after she gained control of her trust fund, therefore making it her property, as opposed to their property.  Beyond that, they were still discussing.

They hadn't seen much of each other lately, but the couple of discussions they'd managed had gotten a bit heated, causing them to resort to their favorite method for handling disputes.  As much as they both enjoyed winding up in bed together, it wasn't getting them any closer to a wedding. 

Grayson had enough to deal with right now, so they'd set aside any wedding plans and let him focus on this process.  A process that ended tonight.

But although this process would end, tonight wasn't an end.  It was a beginning.  They were leaving college behind, leaving Duke and Durham, leaving that life and starting a new one with only each other. All of that started tonight. 

And it would be a long night.  Grayson wouldn't be a lottery pick, would be drafted, at best, late in the first round.  That meant sitting there and watching for quite awhile.  Waiting.

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