Watch the Wind Blow

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All I want to do is let it be
And be with you and watch the wind blow by
And all I want to see is you and me
Go on forever like the clear blue sky
Slowly, there's only you and I
And all I want to do is watch the wind blow by
——Watch the Wind Blow, Tim McGraw

June 23, 2018

"Will you be upset if we have to wait until next summer?" Cait asked.

"I don't like it," Grayson frowned. "Luke and Rae already decided to wait until next summer."

"That's because they haven't even known each other for a year," Cait pointed out.

"Hey, nine months of monogamy for Luke is like ten years for most people," Grayson smirked.  "It's the longest he's made it since he discovered that girls don't actually have cooties when he was like seven."

Cait stifled a laugh and shook her head.  "Enough about Luke.  What about us?"

"Two weddings in one summer seems like a lot," Grayson sighed.  "And I want our wedding to be special."

"I want that too," Cait sighed in return as the plane gained altitude. "But we've had one hell of a crazy year. I just feel like we need a chance to catch our breath. And if we can't make September happen, then we pretty much have to wait until next summer."

"Since when do you and I do anything the easy way?" Grayson snorted.

She smiled over at him and rested her hand on his thigh.  "Maybe this time we should," she suggested.  "You need to focus on basketball.  You need to concentrate on being ready for the season.  Let's wait and have the wedding we want, when we can take that long honeymoon and you won't have to worry about getting workouts in or what you eat.  There's no rush, Daddy."

Grayson grumbled a bit at that.  She was making perfectly valid points, but he didn't like it.  He wanted them to be married. 

"Can't we see if September could work?" he asked. 

"There's no way that Jack, Javin, Justin, Antonio, Marques, Brennan, Mike, Alex and Jordan can wing off to Hawaii over Labor Day weekend," Cait frowned at him.  "Classes will have started."

"Brennan ain't gonna wanna come to this deal anyhow," Grayson smirked. 

"You want Justin to be there," Cait said reasonably.  "And Brennan will come.  Javin and Jack and all the rest too.  Not to mention Marvin, Wendell, Gary and Tre.  And Justise, Matt, Amile, Jah and Marshall. They wouldn't miss it."

"But this is what I didn't really want," Grayson sighed.  "I just wanted to get this done.  Don't want the whole world watching for a change."

Cait bit her lip and looked over at him.  "That's what this plan is all about," she pointed out.  "We get married in the small church, with just immediate family.  Then we have the beach ceremony and reception that you wanted anyhow."

"Only you, my extra kitten, would want two weddings in the same day."  He shook his head at her.

"It's not two weddings, exactly," she hedged.  "It's one wedding, one ceremony and one party."

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