Whatever It Is

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People ask me what it is
I tell them I don't know
Just something about the woman makes my heart go haywire
She's gonna be my wife
She's got whatever it is
It blows me away
She's everything I wanted to say to a woman but couldn't find the words to say
She's got whatever it is
I don't know what to do
Because every time I try to tell her how I feel it comes out "I love you"
——Whatever It Is, Zac Brown Band

April 18, 2019

The day after travel was normally an off day. But not during the playoffs and not when you were down 0-2.

They'd all slept in a little, but Cait made breakfast and Grayson was at the practice facility by lunchtime, leaving her and Connor on their own.

That was no big deal, because they were going to ski. The weather might be warmer in Salt Lake City, but there was still snow in the mountains.

Grayson's parents were arriving the next day to spend the holiday with them. And maybe to be there for the end of his season, if the Jazz didn't find some way to turn things around.

So Cait took care of a couple of things for work, put dinner in to cook and ordered groceries to be delivered the next day. And then she and Connor set out for Park City.

And they had fun. They skied and laughed and just enjoyed themselves. Connor teased Cait and tried to put snow down the back of her light windbreaker, but she was a little too quick for him.

They ran into Meghan and Phil and had a quick visit with them. And while Connor was in the rest room, Cait told Phil about her decision.

"I haven't told Mike Day yet," she admitted. "I don't think there's any hurry. But I'll make the public announcement after I do that. I want to talk to my father first. And it hasn't been a good time for that."

Phil gave her a bittersweet smile. "Champ, I'm proud of you. For taking your time with this. And it's been my privilege to coach you," he told her. "I miss it. But I can't be upset, because I know this is the best thing for you."

"Thanks, Phil," she whispered, sniffling a little and giving him a hug.

"Who died?" Connor's voice came from behind Cait and she turned and shook her head at him.

"No one," she told him with a smile. "In fact, I just got my life back."


Grayson and Connor were fully involved in their post dinner video games, so Cait called Joan to check on her father.

"We went for a walk in the park today," Joan said cheerfully. "It was good for him to get out and it's a beautiful day here. It's going to rain tomorrow afternoon, so back to the treadmill. But he's doing fine. I'm going to check his iron level to make sure he doesn't get anemic. But I'll let you talk to him. He's going to bed soon."

"If I'm anemic, it's because she won't let me eat a steak," Jack's gruff voice came through the phone. "Don't let her fool you. I'm starting to think she's trying to do me in with all this exercise."

"Dad, you know you have to get out and walk," Cait told him. "The doctor said it was important for you to push yourself a little."

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